Saturday, September 8, 2012

Back to Work

Well, the day has come. Tomorrow I am officially off maternity leave, and I have to go back to work. Nothing like going back to work on a Sunday.

I have never been more excited and sad at the same time. I am more than ready to get back to a routine and see my co-workers again. Also, I really enjoy my job, and I have missed it.

However, I enjoyed these last 12 weeks so much with Emma, and I cannot imagine not being able to hang out with her every day anymore. It makes me sad to think about the moments I will miss with her. I may miss some of her firsts, such as rolling over. I will miss more smiles and giggles than I care to think about.

On the positive side of things, daycare is good for children. It gives them structure, socialization and speech skills, and builds their immunity.

Part of me wishes I could be a stay-at-home mom, but I know that for my own sanity, I need to work outside the home. And the money is sort of necessary as well.

Luckily, when I am working tomorrow, John will be home all day with Emma. So I know she will be in very good hands, and will love spending the day with her daddy. It's on Monday when we drop her off at daycare for the first time that the tears will start.

I know a lot of mothers go through this, and they get over it. And I know I will adjust to daycare, and our new routine. I think there will always be a part of me that feels guilty that I don't get to be the one to see all of her firsts, or share in all of her moments, or see every single adorable smile.

It helps to know that by working and having a career, it helps me provide for my family and be a better mother. So anyway, these next couple days will be tough, but we will get through it as a family. A family I love with all my heart :)

I am going to miss this face so much when I am at work...

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