Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Sweet Summertime Fun!

Today was a doozie of a day. Heck, this week has been a doozie. I worked 13.5 house on Monday, and 12 hours on Tuesday, and then had today off, but of course had the kids, so it really wasn't a day off. I am pretty pooped to say the least, but overall it's been a great week.

We had a lot of fun today. The morning was a little blah, because it rained pretty much all morning. Elliott took a 5 (!) hour nap, from 9 am -2pm. I couldn't believe he slept that long, and he was sacked out during the entire nap, not sure what his deal was. I am just hoping he sleeps well tonight.

Emma and I spent the morning watching a little Doc McStuffins (her newest obsession), putting together puzzles, playing with toys, and she helped me do laundry and clean the kitchen. Then we had lunch and Emma napped from about 1-2:30pm.

After everyone (except me) was well-rested, the sun decided to pop out and it was a balmy 80 degrees, so I decided to get the kids out of the house. First, we went to Kuehn Park, and Emma enjoyed the playground while Elliott and I sat in the shade and watched.

After Emma had exhausted everything at the playground, we went searching for another park. I picked the one right next to the zoo, and Emma saw the zoo and basically begged to go. Since we have a zoo membership, I thought it sounded like a good idea. We made good use of our time at the zoo.

The carousel was going at the zoo, so Emma got a ride on that. She is too little to ride by herself, so Elliott and I joined her on the ride as well. Elliott really didn't know what to think about the ride, but Emma loved it of course. She also talked her way into getting some ice cream, feeding the goats, and riding a camel. She begged and begged to ride the camel, and she did it all by herself like a big girl and she loved it. She also got to pet the camel, and she was pretty proud of the whole situation.

We also walked around and saw most of the animals. The kids did very well on the trip. Elliott was a trooper and rode in the stroller the entire time like a champ. He only fussed a little when he got tired, and then proceeded to take a 30 minute nap, and after that was a happy camper. Emma did very well also. She had some trouble listening here and there, and then threw a fit when I wouldn't let her get food at the Market place in the zoo. So, after that we headed for home, with the promise of swimming once we got there.

So, once we arrived home, we filled up the kiddie pool and let Emma splash around. She really loved getting her first taste of swimming for the summer. Elliott and I stayed off to the side and watched and played while Daddy and Emma got each other soaked. It was a really nice evening at home.

Elliott was pretty darn beat after all the activity, and went to bed around 8:30 (which is late for him) and Emma finally just went to bed about 15 minutes ago (late night for her too) so hopefully everyone sleeps ok.

I am absolutely beat, and I have two more days of work to get through, and then we are camping this weekend with John's parent's. This should be interesting with the kids.

Hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather today :)

My favorite little girl, whose going to be 3 soon!!

Me and my little man

Happy to be at the zoo

Checking out the tiger

Family carousel ride

Contrary to this photo, she loved her ice cream 

Camel ride!!

Such a big girl 

Thanking Cletus for the ride 

Pool time 

Enjoying the water show

Trying to get a photo with both kiddos- fail

Water fight with Daddy 


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