September is officially here, and with it marks the ending of summer, and the beginning of fall. Although, this week has been very humid, and in the 80s, so maybe summer is sticking around just a little bit longer.
Not a whole lot to catch up on in the Nelson household. Another week and flown by. This week consisted of a lot of working, and juggling the kids around.
Thursday was my day off with the kids, and it went ok. They were both a little bit naughtier than usual, and it was a long day. It was super hot and humid, but I was tired of being trapped in the house with them, so I brought them to the mall to play in the play area and just get out of the house. It was sort of a disaster. Elliott was fussy and grumbled about being in the stroller the entire time. And Emma proceeded to play in the play area for 10 minutes before being done with it, and then pooped her underwear, and 10 minutes later peed her pants. It was great.
Luckily, Emma fell asleep on the way home, but Elliott did not. By the time Elliott went down, I heard Emma crying upstairs. I just could not win.
Jim and Barb took Emma to Wild Water West at around 4:00pm. So, that was a nice little break. Once John got home, I took off to meet some co-workers at the Attic, and have some well-deserved drinks.
It was such a long, crazy day. Emma is in that super-annoying stage where everything is "why?" "why Mommy?". I know it's just a curious toddler thing, but it can really get old sometimes. And I think Elliott is both teething and going through a growth spurt, as he is tired and crabby a good portion of the day lately. Combined, it made for an exhausting day.
Yesterday, we took the kids downtown for the last block party of the summer. It went pretty well. Emma enjoyed the food, music, and the free candy and balloons. She could have been entertained down there for hours, and she was kind of devastated when we had to leave at around 8:00pm.
Elliott did ok with everything. He had a good time just people watching, and then sitting on the picnic table playing for quite a while. About 7:30pm he started getting really fussy and tired, so then it was time to head home. It was a nice evening downtown though, and it was great to mix up our routine and do something different.
Today was pretty low-key. We did some cleaning, a lot of playing with the kids, and also some shopping. My mom arrived in the afternoon to visit the kids, and Emma was super excited to have someone different to play with. Elliott didn't know what to think of the new face. Being that we had a babysitter, John and I did some kid-less grocery shopping, which was amazing.
That about wraps up what's new around here. We don't have big Labor Day plans. We will probably just play things by ear and make plans the day-of. Next week, John goes to Boston for a work conference, so I am single-momming it for the entire week. I just hope I survive it! In all honesty, it shouldn't be too bad, but I am going to be one tired momma by the end of the week!!!
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
Emma being Emma |
Emma's awesome balloon tiara |
Peek! |
Me and one tired little boy |