Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day Weekend 2015

Labor Day weekend has come and gone in a flash. Luckily, it was both my weekend and holiday off, so I had a nice long weekend away from work.

My mom came to visit for a couple days so she could see and play with the kiddos since it had been a while. She came Saturday and stayed through Monday. It was really nice to have a babysitter on hand. John and I took advantage by doing some kid-free grocery shopping, yard work, and we even went to a movie (I don't know the last time we got to do that!) We went to the Wells Fargo Cinedome and saw Jurassic World. It was a pretty good movie, but overall it was nice to just have an evening out.

Emma has been fighting a cold all weekend, so we had a couple miserable nights with her over the weekend, but she seems to be getting better. I just hope Elliott stays healthy, and that I have some good nights coming up with the kids, since I will be by myself.

Today, mom went home around noon, and John and I caught up on some things around the house before he is gone for the week, and another week of work starts for me. After some naps (for everyone) we decided to take the kids to the Butterfly House and Sertoma Park.

Emma really enjoyed looking at the fish and running around like a crazy toddler. She also enjoyed all the butterfly's in the Butterfly House, and kept saying "hello butterfly".

Elliott loved looking at all the fish and different colors. He was a littler overwhelmed in the Butterfly House, but he did well.

The park was a great hit. Emma played in all 4 parks, and really enjoyed herself. Elliott napped in the stroller some, and enjoyed some swinging.

It was a great Labor Day weekend, and I really enjoyed all the family time. Hope everyone else had a great holiday weekend :)

The Butterfly House

Emma having fun

Elliott enjoying the fish

Walking through the Butterfly House

She though about touching a butterfly, then chickened out

Dinner and a show

Tire swing!!!


Elliott and daddy

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