Friday, April 15, 2016

Holly Bruns' Wedding

The weather is finally starting to warm up, and it's feeling more like spring around here. However, we can't seem to get rid of the wind lately. It's been really windy, and I'm kind of over it.

Last weekend, we headed to Minnesota again for my friend Holly's wedding. John actually shot the wedding, so he put in a full day and worked his butt off all day. I felt like I was at the wedding by myself since John was working, but that was ok. It was nice to catch up with so many friends, and drink lots of beer. Holly made a beautiful bride, and it was a fun day.

The reception was held at Jackpot, and after the wedding dance was over, and after plenty of beer, John and I walked around the casino floor for a while. We didn't head to bed until 2:30am, and we were very tired. This momma doesn't stay up that late, and I was shot.

Sunday was a recovery day. We got to sleep in a little, since we spent the night at Jackpot. After some food and coffee, we headed back to my parent's house to get the kids and head back home. Emma and Elliott seemed to have really missed us, and it was really cute.

This past week has been pretty brutal. It has just been really busy at work, and I had a couple nights of call that kept me awake, and I am just kind of over this week. Emma had a rough week as well. She puked and was up most of the night Tuesday night, and she has just been really clingy to me ever since. She cries that she doesn't want to go to daycare and that she just wants me. It's kind of cute, but it also is a major guilt trip when I need to catch up on sleep, or when I actually need to go to work. I hope it's just a short-lived stage, and that she gets over it, because it's stressful when she isn't happy.

Otherwise not much is new here. Eli is loving life and doing really well lately. He's been sleeping great, staying relatively healthy, and just been super happy lately. He especially loves to be outdoors, and continues to find a new word or two here and there.

Today is a recovery day for me, I didn't get home until 5:00am, and I was shot from this crazy week. So, I have my coffee, my feet up, and some Grey's Anatomy to entertain me. Not much is planned for this weekend. We are getting new neighbors. The Jensen's from church are moving into a house down the street, so we are going to help move them/help babysit kids on Saturday. Then, Sunday we have some softball practice (yay!). Other than that, I think we are going to just lay low, and enjoy the weekend.

Cheers to a peaceful weekend, with some Game of Thrones hopefully :)

Michelle and I at the wedding 

Drunk at a casino

Messy, happy Elliott

So cute

Such a mommy's girl

Holly's Wedding 

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