Saturday, July 9, 2016

Sutton Family Gatherings

What a week! It started with a holiday, the 4th of July, and it was just nonstop every since. We have been busy every single night this week. Every.Single.Night. Needless to say, I am feeling a little beat, and ready for bed!

Matt and Elizabeth Sutton (and their 5 girls) are in town right now from NYC. They come every summer and stay for a few weeks. It's always nice to see them and visit with them, and the kids love running around with all their girls.

On Thursday evening, Andy and Emily hosted a grill-out and a bunch of us got together. They also rented a bouncy house, so all the kids had a ton of fun, and it was really nice to visit with everyone. The kids ran and ran and wore themselves completely out. It was a nice quiet evening at home.

Today, we traveled to Brookings for the annual Sutton Family Gathering. We got together at Hillcrest Park again this year, and everyone had a good time. Emma and Elliott played on the playgrounds, over and over again. We had a nice lunch, and everyone enjoyed each other's company. We also took all the kids swimming, which they absolutely loved. It was a busy day. And to top it off, I had the kids by myself because John was a groomsman in a wedding today. Luckily, the kids were very well behaved, and it went really well. It was just a lot of chasing kiddos, but Jim and Barb helped me out quite a bit and that was great.

It was a very quiet drive back to Sioux Falls, poor Eli was absolutely exhausted and slept the whole way home. Emma stayed awake, but was pretty quiet.

Right now, Eli is peacefully sleeping, Emma is still watching some Netflix (oops) and John is still at his wedding. I am trying to keep my eyes open, and am watching a little Orange is the new black as I blog. It was a great day, but this momma is ready for bed!

Our beautiful perennials 

Sutton Cousins :)

Goofy photo 

Cute :)

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