Monday, February 20, 2017

A "poopy" weekend.

The title of this post pretty much says it all. Elliott started pooping Friday night, and hasn't stopped since. Poor kid has had explosive diarrhea for the last 3 days, and it has not been very fun. His butt is so raw and sore, that he just screams when we change him and clean him up. He has like an anxiety attack, and gets worked up for a good 15-20 minutes. I feel so bad for him, but we are literally doing everything we can for him. Needless to say, it's been a long couple of days.

Other than Elliott's sickness, we had a wonderful weekend. The nice weather has continued to hang on around here, so we have been busy little beavers, trying to soak up the nice weather all weekend.

Friday night, we brought the kids to a park, and then we ate supper at Ruby Tuesdays (courtesy of a gift card that has been in my wallet for 2 years). It was ok. The kids behaved really well, which was nice.

Saturday was a busy day. We started off with a trip to Walmart for a few things, and we ran into a couple that gave us free Stampede Tickets for the game that night. We just can't seem to get away from those Stampede Games lately. It was very nice to get some free tickets though, especially for Wiener Dog Races night.

After Walmart, we went home for some naps, and then headed to the zoo. Both kids walked most of the zoo, and loved seeing all the animals. Elliott was especially entertained by the animals. He loved it. After seeing all the animals, we went and played inside the zoo museum for a while. We were there for about 3 hours, and successfully wore out our children.

We decided that since Elliott was having blowout diarrheas about every 1-2 hours, that I would stay home with him and just Emma and John would go to the game. They had a blast at the game, and had a very nice daughter/daddy date.

They didn't get home until almost 10pm, and then it was time for everyone to head to bed. We were all completely wore out.

We skipped church on Sunday because Saturday was sort of a rough night and Elliott was difficult to deal with, so we just said forget it. After everyone settled down a little, we took the kids to another park, and they had a really good time. We grabbed lunch at Pancheros, which was delicious, and then we headed home so the boys could nap.

Emma and I decided to head to the Midco Aquatic Center to check it out. Emma had a really, really good time. I think she jumped into the pool to me about 100 times, and she keeps getting braver and braver in the water. We spent a solid 2.5 hours there, and then we had a Cherry Berry Date. After all the excitement, we headed home. Elliott was kind of a hot mess again, so we kept the rest of the evening quiet, and got the kids to bed at a decent time.

Today was a typical Monday, except for the weather. It was down-pouring when I went to work this morning. It was raining so hard that my socks, pants, and coat were soaked by the time I got inside. It was the weirdest thing to see in February. Other than that, it was a Monday. Both kids made it the full day at daycare, which was a miracle. Elliott is still pooping, and still has a super sore butt, and Emma is coughing her brains out now too. Such fun times.

Anyway, I'm pooped. It's been a long weekend, it's been a long Monday, I'm going to bed.

Fun at the zoo 

Matching in their red coats

How adorable is that?

Elliott checking out the baby Rhino

Being silly

Cherry berry date

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