Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Birthdays, and Nurse's Week, and Mother's Day. Oh my!

May has started off with a bang, and now we are halfway through the month, and I haven't even had a chance to blog all of our activities!

I turned the big 30 at the beginning of the month. I had a pretty low-key day, but it was very nice and I was able to spend it with family. I took a couple days off of work around my birthday, and just had a couple nice days at home with the kids. The weather was gorgeous, so I took them to the zoo one day. We also had dentist appointments and eye appointments sprinkled in there. It was a good week. We capped it off with some Old Chicago Pizza. I guess turning 30 wasn't so bad!

We also celebrated nurses week last week, which basically just meant some extra treats at work. But, it was very nice to feel a little extra appreciated, and to help celebrate a great profession!

Softball has been in full swing around here as well. I am playing two nights a week again this summer, so the weeks just seem to fly by. Between the softball, and work, and busy weekend, I feel like we are always on the go. I love the busyness, but it starts to overwhelm me sometimes.

We have been spending the last couple weekends out at the Greenhouse, mostly just enjoying the weather and being on the farm, but also helping a little out in the greenhouse. We also get to peek at their house that they are building, and it's always fun to check out all the progress from one week to another.

Sunday was Mother's Day, and we had a great weekend. My mom came to visit this past weekend, since my dad was still in the field planting. She really enjoyed seeing and playing with the kids, and we had a good weekend. It also allowed John and I to go out and have a date night, which was awesome. We went to Hydra and enjoyed some beer and adult conversation. It was great!

On Mother's Day, the family, including my mom, headed out to the Greenhouse. We brought some lunch out, and then helped a little while they were open to the customers. My mom helped chase the kids around for a while, and I made her a Mother's Day planter, and then she headed home again. We at some supper at the farm after the greenhouse closed for the day, and then headed home. We had two very tired kids that passed out on the way home, and they were out for the night. It was a great Mother's Day weekend :)

Right now, I am enjoying a movie while I blog before I go and play softball in the heat. Later this week, Emma has her preschool graduation ceremony, which is really hard to believe. We also have Rachel's Baby Shower this weekend, so Emma and I will be heading to Mankato on Friday evening. It should be a fun time! We just keep moving in the Nelson house.

There's a short synapsis on the last couple of weeks with the Nelsons. I will try to blog a little more frequently.

My beautiful kids

Park date

Dental xrays

Birthday cupcakes

Zoo visit 

Two cuties in a tote

Fun at the Library 

Elliott likes to catch chickens 

Daycare friends 

Hannah's Birthday Party

Birthday Cake

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