Thursday, May 10, 2018


Again, these last couple weeks have just been crazy. This past week, we haven't been home before 8pm any night of the week! It makes for fast days and short nights.

Last Friday was my 31st birthday. Not sure how that happened. It was a good day though. After work, a few co-workers and I went out for some drinks on the patio at Monk's. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and we all got a little sunburnt. After Monk's we went to Jacky's for some margaritas and burritos. It was delicious! I had a great birthday. Emma even waited up for me to come home and watch me open my present. And Elliott sang me Happy Birthday the next morning. It was pretty sweet.

Last weekend, we headed to Minnesota for Trevor's confirmation. We left town on Saturday, and spent the day playing outside at mom and dad's house. Dad was in the field planting all weekend, so it was just John, Mom, me and the kids. In the evening, we headed to Redwood Falls to Ramsey park. They were having a lighting of the falls, complete with food, drinks, lights and music. The kids loved running around and playing on all the playgrounds. And the lights were pretty cool on the bridges and along the paths. We had two very tired kids after all the activity, and it was pretty easy to put them to bed.

On Sunday, we headed to church at St. John's in the morning, and then to Janel and Tim's house for the confirmation. It was another beautiful day, and we all enjoyed spending some time outside and visiting. And drinking some beer. Jenna also has a trampoline, so the kids had a really good time jumping on it. Both kids napped most of the way home. Then, we headed straight to softball practice, and didn't get home until late.

Monday night was out first softball game of the year. We did okay, but were definitely rusty. We won 19-10 and had a fun game.

Tuesday night, I had women's league games, and we went 1-1. It was a fun evening, but there were some frustrating parts where I could tell it was the first game of the year.

Tomorrow, I have "Muffins with Mom' with Elliott at daycare in the morning, and then I am providing lunch for all the kids at school for Emma. It should be a fun day. Being 31 is definitely treating me well so far, I am very blessed!!


Emma loving on a little kitty


Fun at Ramsey Park


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