Monday, June 4, 2018

Busy, Busy, Busy.

This past week was actually pretty low-key. We didn't have any softball games because of the holiday, and we just didn't have too much going on this past weekend either.

We spent most of the weekend at home. On Friday night, we went out to the B&G Milkway for ice cream. The kids loved the ice cream, and it was fun to eat some ice cream on the tailgate of the truck. We are definitely enjoying having the truck and can't wait to use it this coming weekend when we go camping.

Saturday was actually kind of chilly and windy. So, I took the kids to the Library and signed Emma up for a summer reading program. The kids also got to paint rocks which we were supposed to hide around Sioux Falls, but I had a mom moment and left them at the library. Oh-well. Emma's excited for the reading program anyway, she got a necklace and for each 15 minutes of reading she gets beads to add to the necklace. Then, at the end of the program, she gets her name in a drawing for a grand prize basket.

We also finally planted our garden this past weekend. It only took us until June.

Sunday was kind of busy. We had a brunch at church that I had to help with. After that, John and I took the kids to the fields at Keuhn park, and we all had a little BP practice. It was fun to spend some time outside together, just the four of us.

This week is crazy, insane busy, and I'm kind of just looking forward to it being over. We have our normal softball on Monday and Tuesday night, and then on top of that, the kids have swimming lessons this week, and next week. And of course I couldn't get the kids into the same time slot, so I have Elliott going from 5:30-6pm and Emma from 7-7:45pm. Ugh. Then tomorrow, I had in Dental Appointments for the kids and myself at 3pm. Also, we are going camping this weekend, and we haven't shopped or packed a thing yet. Yikes.

So, the next two weeks are going to be crazy busy, and I will probably have no time to blog. Then, the next week is Emma's birthday, so I will be in planning and hosting mode.

I feel like I am going to blink and summer will be half over. So, I guess I will try to enjoy these busy weeks and not wish them away.

Treats on the stairs 

Ice cream on the tailgate

Emma in her happy place

Family outing. 

Elliott loves to run around the yard in his underwear. 

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