Sunday, February 9, 2020

February Flurries.

Another couple of weeks have flown by, and I really don't know where they went. The weeks have been really busy between work, school activities, and just the normal hustle and bustle.

John and I are taking a Financial Peace University class right now, which is a Dave Ramsey class about budgeting and paying off debts. It's really interesting, and it's motivating us to ty to pay off some of our debt. That is occupying our Monday nights for the next 7 weeks. The kids love it, because they get to play in the gym with the other kids while we have class.

Last Saturday, Emma and I volunteered at the Lifescape Mall Walk. We ran a photo booth where people could take fun pictures during the event. We didn't have a lot of people who wanted to take pictures, but we had a good time. Emma was volunteering for hours for 4-H, and I was using the hours for professional development at work. It was a fun morning. After the mall walk, we headed to Great Life for a member appreciation party they were having which involved inflatables, kids golf, free bagels and door prizes. After the activities, I worked out while Emma went to the kids area. We also had a lunch date at Fizolis, which Emma thought was amazing.

While Emma and I were having our girls morning, the boys worked on Elliott's Valentine's Day box. They made an awesome Captain America Themed box, and Elliott is very proud of his box.

In the evening, John stayed home with the kids, and I went to a coworkers gender reveal party. It was a really fun evening, and we found out that Nicole is going to have twin boys, so that was exciting!

Last Sunday was Super Bowl Sunday. We enjoyed a nice party at the Polzins' house. It was a nice gathering of church friends, and we had a great time. The Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl, so that was pretty cool.

This past week, was pretty uneventful, but busy. On Tuesday evening we had Parent-Teacher conferences, and heard mostly good things about how Emma is doing in school. Both teachers had good reports, and we are very proud of our second grader. We also talked about Kindergarten roundup for Elliott, which is coming up in a couple weeks. I can't believe he is going to be in Kindergarten!! He is so ready for school.

We spent Friday evening cleaning the school, and then we have actually had a kind of quiet weekend. On Saturday morning, John took the kids to the Bethel basketball scrimmage while I stayed home to study for my certification exam. I am trying to squeeze in study time whenever and wherever I can. After lunch, we took the kids swimming at Great Life, which they thought was pretty fun. Then we headed out to Jim and Barb's house to celebrate Jim's 60th Birthday. We ate a nice supper, and then had some ice cream cake. It was a nice celebration.

The kids begged to stay the night, so we got to go home to an empty house. Today was a typical Sunday. We went to church (without kids!), I taught Sunday School, and then we spent some time cleaning and organizing the house since we didn't have any kids at home. I put in a little more study time and then we headed to Famous Daves to have supper with Jim, Barb, Jeff and Sam, and to bring our kids back home. It was a delicious supper, and we finally got the kids wound down for bed and we are relaxing and watching the Oscars.

This next week is going to be another doozy. We have some fairly busy evenings this week, and then this weekend we are going to Okaboji to stay at an indoor waterpark with my side of the family. This is the Christmas present that my parents are giving to the kids (and really to all of us). The kids are super excited, and have been counting down the days since Christmas. I think it's going to be a fun weekend, and can't wait to go!

Happy 60th Birthday Jim!

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