Sunday, July 5, 2020

4th of July Festivities

Wow, what a weekend. We just got home from being up at Diamond Lake all weekend. It was a hot, busy, crazy weekend. But it was fun!

John and I both took Thursday off. So once we were packed up and cleaned the house a little we were on our way. We made it to the campground at around 4pm. We got unpacked and then ate a nice supper with mom and dad. Emma was dying to go swimming, so we headed to the beach and she swam her little tail off. Elliott wasn't feeling it, so he stayed on shore and threw rocks in and played in the sand. They had a blast. We finished the night with a fire, and then put some tired little kids to bed. The first night, both kids slept in the tent with John, they thought it was awesome. I enjoyed the air-conditioned camper.

Friday was a fun day. It was very hot and sticky. It was in the 90s with very high humidity. So, after a big breakfast, we took the boat out on the lake. It felt amazing to swim in the lake. The lake temp was 84 degrees. It was amazing. The kids loved swimming in the middle of the lake again in their life jackets. The jumped in again and again. Then, they both went tubing for the first time. And they both loved it! They had great big smiles on their face the entire time they were out there tubing. I was so proud of them. They did such a good job. After swimming a little more, we got off the lake and just enjoyed some time at the campsite. In the evening, we watched some fireworks, had a fire, and then called it a night as everyone was wore out.

Saturday was the actual 4th of July. Ryan took us out on the boat in the late morning, and we had another great morning of tubing and swimming in the lake. It was really nice and relaxing. After heading back to shore, we cleaned up and then got ready for the carnival. Mom and Dad's friends at the lake put on a really good carnival for the kids. There was mini corndogs, cotton candy, root beer floats, mini donuts, and popcorn. Then there were carnival games complete with prizes and candy. And also a clown, balloons, and face painting. It was pretty amazing and the kids had an absolute blast. It was also super hot and a little miserable, but it was fun to see the kids having so much fun.

After the carnival (complete with a pinata) we had a potluck with everyone. We were kind of stuffed from all the other food, but the potluck went over pretty well. There was a lot of good food and it was fun to hang out with everyone. Once we stuffed ourselves too full, we headed back to the camper to chill and relax. And then Emma wanted to swim again. So mom, John and I headed to the beach with Emma. We all swam and floated on the water to cool off as it was still so hot out. We swam until around 8:30 and then finally got Emma out of the water, cleaned up, and back for the outdoor movie they were showing at one of the campers. That didn't last long with the kids, so we all went down to the lake to watch fireworks for awhile. By 10:30 pm everyone was very tired, and we called it a night.

Today was a typical travel home and unpack day. The kids are happy to be back at home and are running around with the neighbors. We are unpacked, working on some laundry, and dreading Monday morning. But, I am ready to get back to work, back to the gym, and back to a normal schedule.

Happy 4th of July!!

Emma's new desk. AKA Art center. 


Tubing for the first time!

Women's league softball team 

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