Saturday, January 23, 2021

January 2021

 January is about over, and I have already failed in one of my New Year's Resolutions. I have not been blogging every week. It's crazy how quickly the weeks fly by, and I just can't keep up on my blogging. 

This month has flown by, but we really haven't done anything super exciting. We just stay busy with work, church meetings, and right now Emma has basketball practice two days a week and she joined a 4-H archery club, and they meet a couple times a month. Emma is really enjoying both activities, and they are keeping her busy. Along with homework and Piano lessons (and multiplication factors), our evenings are very busy. Emma continues to do pretty well in school, but we do have to get on her to complete her work neatly and to slow down and do her best. 

Elliott's weekday evenings are a little less hectic. We do read every evening and work on memory work, but then he has the rest of the evening to play and do whatever he wants, and I think that makes Emma a little jealous. Elliott is doing great in school, and really doesn't seem to have trouble with much of anything in Kindergarten. He is getting better and better at reading some words, and he is so close to being able to read books by himself. 

A couple weekends ago, we went bowling at Sport Bowl. The kids really enjoyed it, and it was nice and quiet in the bowling alley, so had a really fun time. 

Last weekend, my parents came to visit. We spent most of our time at home, but we had fun. We made a couple delicious meals (Shrimp fried rice, turkey) and enjoyed games and hanging out. We also drove through Falls Park because the lights were still on, and enjoyed a beer run for some beverages. It was a really fun, quick weekend. 

This past week, we got some really good news at work. The ASC gets to open on February 1st. Yay!! We are only going to be able to run 5 surgical rooms, which isn't great, but we are so happy to be back to our home. We only have 5 days left in the Main OR, hooray!!

Covid-19 is getting better in South Dakota. Our number of new infections and hospitalizations has been trending down nicely (hence the ASC opening). However, some other states are having terrible outbreaks right now, so it is still definitely a threat. I have received both of my Covid-19 vaccines, and that all went well for me. It's a great feeling to have it, and I'm really hoping that by this summer the world is looking more normal. We are at the year mark for this virus, and it's been quite a trip. 

This weekend has been pretty quiet. Today was a snowing, winter weather advisory day, so we spent most of the day at home. I did take the kids to the Washington Pavillion for a free carnival in the lobby, and they seemed to really enjoy that. I also hit up the gym (I've lost 9 pounds since Jan 1st!!) and now we are watching Star Wars with the kids before heading to bed shortly. 

Tomorrow is a marathon church day. The kids sing in both services, I teach Sunday School, and then there is a Voter's meeting with installation of officers. Whew, it's going to be a day. And then we have the NFC Championship football game and the AFC Championship Football game. And then it will be Monday. Oof-da. The weekends sure fly by!

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