Wednesday, March 10, 2021

March tease.

 This past week has been absolutely beautiful. It was sunny, in the 60s, and just great. Unfortunately, it was just a teaser, and today was rainy, cloudy, and back in the 30s. So, spring is definitely not here. But this weekend is daylight savings time, so the days are getting longer, so spring is coming!

These past two weeks have been pretty normal. Busy, but manageable. I have started exercising before work, which means getting up at 4:00 am to get a workout in. I might be crazy, but I really enjoy starting my day with a good sweat, and then not having to worry about finding time for the gym after work. It's really not that bad, but I am pretty tired by 9:00pm. I am also back to studying for the CNOR exam. It sucks and I can't wait until the test is over (and hopefully passed), but I try to fit in at least one hour of studying every day of the week. So, between the workouts, and studying, and work, and family, I am staying really busy right now. 

It's also greenhouse season. This past weekend, we were out at the farm working in the greenhouse. I did a lot of planting, and the kids helped here and there, and John mostly filled flats with dirt. It was a great afternoon. Also, the weather was beautiful. After all the work, we stayed for supper, and had a really nice day. 

On Sunday, we caught up at home, went to church, and then went bowling with our 4-H club. It was nice to hang out with other people, and the kids had a really good time bowling and getting to know those kids again. We hit up Pizza Ranch afterwards (that did not work well for my weight loss journey). 

Since I joined Noom on January 1st, I have lost 11 pounds. It doesn't sound like much, but I've worked really hard to lose that weight, and I fully intend on losing at least 13 more pounds. I've learned a lot, spent a lot of time in the gym, and have been tracking all of my food every day. Here's to 13 more pounds!!

Emma is still doing archery, so we had archery practice this past Tuesday. She is sort of losing interest in it, but we are going to at least finish out the season and then we will see what she wants to do next year. She actually wants to play softball this spring if possible, so tomorrow I am going to a registration class at Kuehn Community Center to see when games would be and what we need to do to sign her up. I'm excited to watch her play softball if it works out, it just needs to not be on Monday nights when we play. 

Elliott isn't very interested in playing on any sports teams this spring. He is more interested in Pokemon and playing around in the neighborhood with the other kids. So, I'm going to have him play some sort of organized sport in the near future, but I'm not going to push anything this spring. That little boy can stay a little boy just a little bit longer. 

Needless to say, we are staying pretty busy and time just keeps flying by. I can't believe we are almost to the middle of March already.

 I hoping for sunny, warm days and more vaccinations to help bring us closer to normal. Also, Twins baseball is only a month away!! 

Flat Stanley project at the greenhouse 

Greenhouse "work"

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