Friday, September 22, 2023

Labor Day Weekend

 We had a very busy Labor Day weekend this year. On Friday, Katie and I went out to eat supper and then we went to The Chicks (formerly the Dixie Chicks) Concert at the Denny. We went to Chevy's and then to Lupulin for a beer. The Chicks put on a really good show. They sounded great and had really good energy and sound. We really enjoyed ourselves and had a good time. They played all their greatest hits and some of their new stuff, it was fun!

On Saturday, we headed out to the South Dakota State Fair. It was forecasted to be 98 degrees on that day, so we hit the road at 7:00 am. We got to the fairgrounds around 9:00 am. We got to it right away, because we knew it was going to get hot. We checked out the 4-H building, and the kids did really well on their projects. They got all purples and blues, we were very proud. 

Then, we just walked around enjoying ourselves. We walked through the commercial buildings, sampled some dips and soups (and bought some) and walked through open class. We also had to check out the new beef barn and the other animal barns. We walked a lot, but really enjoyed ourselves. We also enjoyed the free farmer's lunch like we have for the last couple of years. 

We didn't stay as long as we have in past years. It got hot and it was crowded, so we hit the road early. We had some ice cream and headed for home. We spent the rest of the day cooling off at home and having a movie night. 

On Sunday, we went to church, and then had a welcome breakfast for our new Vicar. In the afternoon, the kids and I went to Lifelight downtown. The kids really wanted to see Colton Dixon and Jeremy Camp. We had a really good time at the concert, and they loved seeing some of their favorite singers. However, it was really hot and really crowded, so we didn't stay super long. Once we had seen who we came for (and 3 hours later) we got out of there. John didn't want to come, so he dropped us off and then picked us up, which was really nice since we didn't have to worry about parking. We had a great evening, and the kids really enjoyed the show. 

Monday was a relaxation day. We spent the day at home, and did some deep cleaning, washed bedding, and organized the garage. It was a productive day off. Then, we had a movie night with the kids, so that was fun. 

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