Well here I am, 29 weeks pregnant. I can't believe I am already this far along. Our little girl will be here before we know it!
This is my first pregnancy, and aside from what I learned in nursing school, I didn't really know exactly what to expect. While it has been a great experience so far, there are definitely some things about pregnancy I will not miss once I deliver.
I have decided to share with you my lists or favorite and least favorite things about pregnancy. Sorry if some of it seems like over-sharing, but a pregnant lady doesn't have much for modesty.
My 5 Favorite Things About Being Pregnant:
1. Feeling my baby girl kick and move around inside my uterus. I don't think I have ever experienced something as special as being able to feel her moving around inside of me. It is especially meaningful when I can share those moments with my husband. She has been moving around like crazy lately, and it reminds me that soon we will have a newborn in our house!
2. Being proud of my belly. Unfortunately we live in a society that is really concerned about outward appearances, especially for women. It is a relief to be able to wear clothes that accent my growing baby bump. When I look at my pregnant belly, all I see is my baby and my excitement grows!
3. Pregnancy glow. I don't know how much of a glow I actually have, but I feel like I have one. My skin feels softer, my hair feels silkier, and I can just feel a difference in my body from before I was pregnant.
4. Reading my pregnancy literature. I have 2-3 books that I am reading that have a week-by-week account of what is going on with both me and baby. I love reading about how our baby girl is growing and developing in the womb and also about the changes going on with me and my body.
5. People are nicer. People are always nicer to pregnant ladies. At work, my co-workers will take certain patients or push carts for me sometimes, just to give me a break (don't get the wrong idea here, I usually do all my own work, but everyone once in a while they will do something for me). At home, John helps me out a little more with housework than he did before my pregnancy days. And people smile at me more, and of course ask about my pregnancy!
My 5 Least Favorite Things About Pregnancy:
1. My boobs. Most people love that pregnancy makes them go up a full cup size (or two), but I already have a pretty big chest, so watching it grow bigger throughout pregnancy is not the greatest thing to me. Also, it involves having to buy new bras, which of course is expensive. I realize my breasts are expanding for a good reason, but I still don't like it.
2. Swelling. I haven't had too big a problem with this one yet. But on a couple of those warmer days back in March, my fingers sure swelled up, so I can't wait until summer time! Related to swelling, is having to wear support hose to work so my feet do not kill me at the end of the work day.
3. Gas. I know, gross right? But oh my god, I have never experience so much gas in my life. My poor husband. It of course depends somewhat on what I eat, but overall there is just a lot of gas experienced by pregnant women. Out body is doing a lot, and this is just one of the side effects we get. So fun.
4. Stretch marks. Thanks to applying Palmer's Cocoa Butter constantly, I don't have this problem...yet. But, being that I am now in the third trimester, in which I will expand the most, I am sure they are right around the corner. It doesn't seem fair that we get permanent marks on our body for growing a baby, but it is definitely for a good cause :)
5. Not sleeping well at night. I am a back sleeper, and they recommend that you sleep on your side during pregnancy because it is the best position for optimal blood flow for mom and baby. Also, my baby likes to kick the most at night, so of course that keeps me awake at night. I just look forward to the day when I can sleep at night without having to worry about which position I am sleeping in. But I guess it gives me good practice for all the sleepless night to come!
So there it is, more than you ever wanted to know about my pregnancy. I love being pregnant, but I am really excited to meet my little girl and having more control over my body again.
Thanks for reading!