Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Birthday Post

So, I am a little late with this, but I turned 25 last Friday. A quarter-of-a-century old. I realize that 25 is by no means old, but it's just hard for me to believe that I am in my mid-20's already. Where does the time go?

For my birthday this year, we didn't do anything too spectacular. I spent the day at work, and then my family came to town to eat out with us. They were already planning on coming for Ryan's College Graduation, so they just drove a little further to be able to eat out with us in Sioux Falls.

As I am another year older and wiser, I usually like to reflect on the highlights of the last year...

1. This last year, we bought a lot of stuff for our house. We purchased some furniture, a snowblower, a patio set, lawnmower, and other odds and ends. Of course it is never ending, seems like our house always needs something. Recently, of course, we have been buying nursery furniture and baby clothes!

2. This last summer I went to Rib Fest for the first time. It was awesome. And it's back again at the end of May. Yum! We also went to a Twins and Vikings game this last summer on a coach bus trip, which was a lot of fun. We bought new bikes last summer too, so we went on a lot of bike rides which was fun, and good exercise!

3. We canned salsa for the first time last fall. I can't wait to experiment again this fall with all of our fresh veggies out of the garden (which we have not planted yet this spring).

4. This last fall, I also found out the exciting news that we were expecting a baby in July. I remember peeing on the pregnancy stick, and then just about falling over when it said "pregnant". I eagerly waited for John to get home from work, and then burst with the news as soon as he walked through the front door. It was hard, but we kept it between the two of us for about 10 weeks. And of course, everything with this pregnancy as been a string of firsts for us, and we are enjoying most of it!

This last year was great, but I am really looking forward to what I will encounter while I am 25. I will get to meet my baby girl, learn how to be a mother, and continue to learn how to be a great wife for my husband.

Most of our focus right now is on the arrival of our baby. We are trying to be as prepared as we can be, but also we are so excited to meet her! Only 8 more weeks to go :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! Who did they eat with in Sioux Falls? I'm pretty sure I was there too. I'm also expecting a baby! (See #4) Just sayin.

    I'm so proud of you and how well you've managed the pregnancy so far. You're already turning into a wonderful mom, and I can't wait for her to meet you!

    Love you!

