Thursday, May 3, 2012

Maternity Clothes

I didn't know a thing about maternity clothes before I was pregnant. I remember going into Target shortly after I found out I was pregnant, and I was completely lost in the maternity section. I didn't realize that you are the same size in maternity clothes as you are in regular clothes. That really simplifies things.

I would say 90% of my maternity clothes are from Old Navy. I didn't realize Old Navy had such nice maternity clothes. I have bought most of them online because usually it was a better deal. I would try them on in the store to make sure they were the right size, and then hop online and buy them.

My maternity clothing advice is this:

1. Try-on the maternity clothing if you can. Most of the time, you are the same size in maternity clothing that you were pre-pregnancy, but sometimes things fit funny, and you are better off just trying things on first.

2. Don't go overboard. I know us women like to shop, but remember you are only pregnant for 9 months, and even if you get pregnant again, there's a good chance you will never wear these clothes again. I bought 2 jeans, a pair of kackies, somewhere around 6-7 tops, 2 capris, 3 tank tops, and a pair of shorts. Most of these items I bought on sale, and got good deals on. Maternity clothes can be expensive, so just be careful you don't splurge too much.

3. There are different types of maternity pants to buy. There are pants with an elastic waist or belly band pants. This is just a personal choice. I like the elastic waisted jeans, and the full-belly band jeans are okay. I have one pair that is a half-belly band pair, and I really don't care for that. It fits really weird.

4. Don't buy maternity underwear. It's a waste of money. Just buy regular underwear that's a size or two bigger, and that should work out fine.

5. If you work a job where you are on your feet a lot, I recommend wearing support hose. They help your feet feel a ton better at the end of the day. Also, they help with circulation in the your legs, and help prevent spider veins. :)

Anyway, there's my two cents on maternity clothes. It's sort of a learning experience as you go, but it is fun to buy new clothes!

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