Friday, December 28, 2012

6 Months old!

Holy smokes. Has it really been a month since I blogged? Where does the time go? My blogging has been lacking a little bit lately. I guess my priorities have been elsewhere...

Anyway, Emma turned 6 months olds about 2 weeks ago. She weighs in at 17 lbs and is 25 inches long. We are going in for her 6 month shots in a week, yay.

Emma's likes
-Solid foods! We have just started baby foods with her and it is going pretty well. We have tried sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, peas, and bananas. I would say sweet potatoes are her favorite. I also got a Baby Bullet for Christmas from my sibling, so I cannot wait to try and make baby food soon
-Her jumper- she can play in that thing forever
-Her swing- for both playing and sleeping
-Sucking on her thumb
-Her pacifier- usually at night, but during parts of the day too
-Bathtime- She LOVES her baths. Now we have toys in the bathtub. Absolute Bliss.
-Car rides
-Rolling around on the floor- She now rolls both ways, and can really move around fast. I think crawling isn't too far away.
- Sitting up- She is getting closer and closer to being able to sit up on her own

Emma's Dislikes
-Having her nose suctioned out
-Being rocked to sleep- This is hit or miss. Right now she fights us when we try to rock her to sleep. She likes to be laid down in her crib and given her pacifier to pass out.
-Carrots- doesn't seem to interested in these yet

Emma is at a really fun age right now. She is getting really talkative- she will squeal, laugh, and coo all the time. She is really finding her voice. She likes to rech out and touch your face- and then dig her nails into your cheek which feels awesome. Overall, she is a super happy baby.

We have all been fighting colds lately, and it's really hard to see your baby sick, because there isn't much you can do for them to make them feel better. But luckily, I think the worst is over for this round. Emma is also teething right now. She has one tooth in, and one more is on the way by the looks of things. It is a drool factory in our house.

Anyway, hard to believe my little baby is half a year old already. Where does the time go? It has been a wonderful 6 months. I have never learned so much in such a short time. I have also never had anything change my life in such a drastic way so suddenly. But I have loved every second of it, and cannot wait to continue on this wonderful journey!

Happy 6 Months Emma!

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