Friday, April 12, 2013

April Ice Storm

Well, I think the worst of the storm is finally over. The last three days have been interesting. First, on Tuesday we had freezing rain, which coated everything with ice. The trees had a one-inch ring of ice around every branch, causing many branches to break off and fall on cars, houses, and electrical wires.

Luckily, our trees at home are only 7 years old or so, so we didn't have much for damage in our yard, but around town it looks like a war zone. It is going to take a long time to clear all the trees and branches off the streets and people's yards.

We lost electricity on Wednesday, so John was home with Emma (because daycare lost power as well) and they hung out in the basement in front of the fireplace. In the evening, we headed to John's parent's house as we didn't want to sit in the dark all evening.

Wednesday night, it snowed 6 inches. So, we had wet, heavy snow on top of all the ice we had. Which caused more problems with travel and power outages. At this time, there were about 20,000 people without power. We were still in this category.

The hotels in town were booked solid as people were trying to find a place to stay warm-with temps in the low to mid thirties at best. We finally got power back yesterday evening. I have never been so happy to have electricity again!

So, it has been a crazy April. It feels like the middle of winter right now, not spring! But, at least the precipitation has stopped for now, and the roads are finally clear and easy to navigate. There is more rain/snow in the forecast though, and the 7 day forecast has a high of 45 degrees is all.

I want spring. Like right now. But I guess for now, I will be happy just having electricity. If you are lucky enough to have sunshine and heat, enjoy it!

Here's a sample of what it's looking like around Sioux Falls...

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