Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall Portraits...and other stuff

Time has been flying by, yet again. Where have the last two weeks gone? Well, they have been filled with work, Emma coughing and producing more snot than any other human being, and enjoying the wonderful fall weather.

I had my first pumpkin spice latte the other day, and it was amazing! We have been bringing Emma to the park quite a bit this last week to try and soak up the nice weather while we can. We also went out to John's parent's farm and got some awesome fall shots of Emma. She LOVES being outside, I don't know how we are going to make it cooped up all winter long.

Here are some of my favorites that John shot of Emma last week:

Who is this grown up girl, and where did my baby go? *Sob*

We do like to spend time in the garage when the weather is cold and rainy, and Emma can still burn off a lot of energy without having to go completely outside.

And on Sunday, it was sunny, there was no wind, and it was about 67 degrees, so we brought Emma to the park, and she had an absolute blast. She went down the slide about 100 times and had a smile on her face ear to ear. She has finally figured out how to go down the slide without tipping over, and she LOVES it!  She also just enjoys being around other kids and walking around in the park.

Sorry for the overload of Emma pictures, but it was time to catch up. It is a windy, rainy mess here today, so it's a great day to catch up on the stuff inside!

P.S. Emma is 16 months old today..holy Smokes!!!

Happy Tuesday Everyone :)

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