Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year!!

So, it's 2014. When did that happen? I always like to see a new year come along, because it does feel like a fresh start and a new beginning in some ways, but it is sad to think about another year of your life just being gone. I will never experience all the firsts I had with Emma this last year, and she will never be that little again. That makes me sad!

But overall, I enjoy seeing the new year come, and I do look forward to all the things to come.

I'm not really a person that makes resolutions. I usually have goals I want to accomplish in the next year, but there not really resolutions per say.

I want to eat healthier and exercise more, which is always a constant battle.

I want to spend less time worrying about things in general, and just live in the moment.

I want to enjoy Emma the way she is right now and realize that before I know it she will be all grown up, I want to enjoy every moment with her, even the frustrating ones.

I want to make more time for just John and me since our time-alone has taken a serious hit in the last couple years.

I want to cook more, and experiment with new recipes.

I want to continue to blog and scrapbook-both of which I sometimes fall behind on.

I want to add another baby to our family-if not this year, then the next. Emma needs a sibling :)

I want to travel more-even if it is short trips like Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha, Milwaukee.

I want to be better about staying in touch with my friends. It's not that hard to pick up the phone every once in a while and planning something.

I want a lot of things apparently. I'm very happy with my life just the way it is, but I think there is always room for improvement. I just really want to slow down and enjoy our time as a family right now. And I need a better balance of a social life and being a mom, it doesn't have to be one or the other.

So, anyway, Cheers to 2014 and we will see what it brings :)

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