Sunday, February 9, 2014

My Little Valentine

Emma is at such a fun age right now. She's usually in a really good mood, and she's so much fun to play with right now. And she says the cutest things. Her newest words are "Melmo" which mean Elmo, "mama", "dada", "Papa", "Gama", "more"- along with the sign language, "oh-no", "uh-oh", "no-no-no", I know there's more, but I just can't think of them right now.

She also has her favorite games she likes to play. She loves "jumping' and being thrown around on our bed. She also absolutely loves being wrapped up in a blanket and then swung around. Her daddy invented that game, and the crazier you are with her, the more giggles and squeals you get. But watch out when you are ready to stop the game due to exhaustion, because she will throw a fit like no one's business.

Emma really enjoys playing on the Ipad as well, and she is getting really good at running the thing. We don't mind the fact that she likes to use the Ipad, especially in the winter when we are limited to being indoors, but we do limit the amount of time she spends with her face buried in the Ipad.

This past week, I worked call, and I had a rough week, so I really didn't get to see much of Emma or John all week long. I had Thursday off, so after sleeping in some, I went and picked up Emma from daycare and had some quality time with her.

Since Valentine's Day is coming up, I thought it would be fun to bake and decorate some cookies with Emma. She was more interested in just eating the frosting and the cookies. She ate about 3 sugar cookies and a ton of frosting. She was on quite the sugar high for the rest of the evening.

 It was nice to spend some time with her after spending so much time at work all week. I also had Friday off, and spent the day with Emma. We went to the mall and ran some other errands. In the evening we all went out to eat with Jim and Barb for Jim's Birthday at Olive Garden. The food was delicious and the company was great.

Unfortunately, there is some crud going around at daycare, and Emma may have possibly caught some of it. They have said that there is RSV, strep throat, and influenza going around, and yesterday morning Emma was running a temp of 101.2 and she has a very, very runny nose. As of right now, we are just treating with Tylenol and Ibuprofen, and watching her for now.

Today she was about the same. Overall, she has been in a good mood, and her appetite is so-so. She still runs a low-grade temp, so we are still treating that as well. A trip to the doctor may be in order later this week, but at least we made it through the weekend. Of course the nights are always the worst when Emma is sick, so I have my fingers crossed for tonight.

Never a dull moment with a toddler, that is for sure. But, I am hoping that it's just a cold virus, and that she will be back to 100% in no time. I guess time will tell.

Hope everyone has a great week. Stay Healthy :)

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