Sunday, February 2, 2014

Superbowl Sunday

I love me some Superbowl Sunday. I love watching football, I love the fun, crazy commercials, and I love the entertainment at halftime. What more is there? Oh, throw in some beer, and junk food, and I am completely sold.

Unfortunately, it's not much of a football game this year. Right now, the Seattle Seahawks are beating the Denver Broncos 36-0. So, yeah, it's pretty one-sided. But the commercials are good, and the company is even better.

My parents came to visit this weekend. They arrived on Friday at around 1:00pm and they just left here about an hour ago. It was a busy, crazy weekend, but it was fun!

On Friday, my parents watched Emma as I had to work an evening call shift at work, so they enjoyed their time alone with Emma. On Saturday we spent the morning visiting and hanging around the house. After Emma's nap, we headed to the mall to do a little shopping. It was busy, and crowded, but it was nice to get out of the house and allow Emma to burn off some energy.

After the mall, we headed back home to relax a little before heading out to eat. We met up with Jim and Barb and went out to eat at a Chinese Buffet. The food was delicious, but we all ate way too much! It was nice for all the Grandparents to get together, it had been a long time since they were all in the same place at the same time.

Emma had a great time and she got to eat her meal sandwiched between both Grandpas.

After a little more visiting, we headed home again. We eventually got a rambunctious Emma put to bed, and then the rest of the us visited, drank some adult beverages, and played some games.

Sunday started with some sleeping in while Grandpa played with Emma (which was heavenly), then we all went out to eat at Perkins. After breakfast we went to church, and then headed home for some lounging in preparation for the Football Game.

Grandma and Grandpa squeezed in some more playing time with Emma, and then we consumed munchies while watching the Superbowl. It was pretty fun to watch the game with my parents. They left at halftime since it was getting late, and now John and I are enjoying the end of the game toddler-free as an exhausted Emma is finally asleep.

It was a great weekend, but it was busy. I am kind of enjoying the quiet again. Now, I have to prepare myself for another week of call (boo!).

Hope everyone had a great weekend and Go Seahawks :)

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