Sunday, January 8, 2017


The first week of the New Year has come and gone. I feel like things have finally settled down and we are back to our routines after all the holiday hubbub. It's always kind of a letdown when the holidays are over though, they are so magical, and I love all the decorations and fun things that come with the holidays. Now, our house is back to normal, and we are just trying to survive the cloudy, subzero days for the next few months.

We did have a pretty good first week of 2017. Nothing too exciting happened, but it was a nice, normal week. The kids were good (relatively), I stayed on track with my exercising and healthy eating habits, and the kids have stayed pretty healthy. I will call that a good week.

This weekend was kind of busy in it's own way. On Friday night, we took the kids to HyVee and ate some supper, and then tackled grocery shopping with both kids along, which is always interesting. They did okay, but towards the end they were starting to get a little rowdy. We headed home, washed them up, and sent them to bed.

Yesterday, Emma and I had another girls outing. I was going to bring Elliott along on this trip, but his naps just always fall at the worst times. So, just Emma and I went. We started off at the Library, where they had Hot Chocolate, story time, and crafts. Emma loved it. And we got to make and use a Marshmallow Launcher. Does it get any better than that?

After the library, we made a Target run so we could pick out a baby shower gift for one of my old co-workers, and I got a starbucks coffee and Emma got an Icee. We were all about treating ourselves.

Finally, we made it to the Kirby Science Center. We hadn't been there in like 6 months, and Emma just loved it. She played, and played and played for a solid 3 hours. We hit all three levels, and she was one tired girl once we left. Once we finally made it home, we ate, watched Peter Pan with the boys, and then it was bedtime for everyone. And nobody complained.

Today was really low-key. We went to church, had some naps, and then watched some playoff football games while also playing with the kids. It was a great ending to a nice weekend. I am so not ready for another week of work, but Monday is coming whether I am ready for it or not. So, I am going to be hitting the hay soon.

Movie Night 

Kirby Science Center 

Another successful girls trip 

Sunday Candy Land 

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