Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year! It's 2017 already, and that's pretty hard to believe. I was just looking back on some of my posts from the first part of last year, and it's crazy to think about how much has changed since then. Elliott wasn't even walking last year at this time, and now he runs around like crazy and his vocabulary has increased so much it's crazy. Emma was still working on being potty trained and was still just a toddler, and now she's a preschooler who is learning and growing like crazy!

When I look back at 2016, I really have mostly fond memories. The kids hit very exciting milestones, I had many days off with them that I brought them to the zoo or the park, John and I went to Seattle, some of my good friends got married, and we had some fun family outings with camping, swimming and going out to the hills. It was a great year, and I look forward to all the things 2017 will bring.

In this next year, Emma will start Kindergarten (what?!), Elliott will start potty training, and I will turn 30 this year. We also hope to bring the kids to Omaha this summer, as well as take a couple smaller family trips. I would be willing to try camping again with the kids, and I am still trying to organize a Wild game for the adults this winter yet. I'm excited for all the things to come this year!

This past weekend has been really fun. On Friday night, Jim and Barb came to watch the kids so we could go out to supper with Otis and Ashley and Jeff and Darcy and Twinkie. It was very nice to catch up with them, and we actually ended up talking at TC Referee's for 2.5 hours.

On Saturday, New Year's Eve, we spent most of the day hanging out at home and playing with the kids and have a laid back day. I ended up bringing Emma to the Stampede Hockey Game, and she absolutely loved it. She wore her Stampede T-shirt, and I bought her a Cowbell, and she cheered her little heart out. It didn't take her long to figure out how to cheer along with the crowd, and how and when to ring her cowbell. She loved watching the players skate around, and it kept her attention the entire time. She already told me she can't wait to go again, and that she would also watch basketball, or baseball, or football games as well. She's so cute.

After the game, we headed back home and put the kids to bed. Then John and I watched some Game of Thrones until midnight, when we watched the ball drop, and then promptly went to bed. It was a great New Year's Eve.

Today was spent going to church, watching some of the Vikings game, and then I took Emma to a movie. We had a great girls bonding weekend. We went and saw the movie Trolls at the cheap theatre. Emma loved it, and was laughing at some parts of the movie. It was a really cute movie. And Emma is getting more and more fun, and can actually handle sitting through an entire movie or hockey game.

We ended the evening with supper with Jim and Barb (and John and Elliott) at Supreme Buffett. Now, everyone is sleeping, and I should be too.

Happy New Years!! Bring on 2017 :)

Stampede Game!!

Mom and Emma date night 

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