Monday, June 5, 2017

Elena's Baptism

It's finally heated up outside, and it feels like summer. We've had sunshine, 90 degrees, and it's been pretty beautiful outside.

We spent a most of our evening outside this past week, including trips to the park and bike rides. On Thursday night, Emma and Elliott went to Jim and Barb's for the night, and John and I went to Ribfest. It was a lot of fun. The weather was perfect, we ate some good BBQ, and then we were able to listen to Kory and the Fireflies and the Johnny Holm Band. It was a really fun evening, and we stayed out partying way too late. We didn't leave until around 10:30pm and I had to work at 5:30 am the next day, it was a pretty rough Friday, but totally worth it. It was nice to have an adults only night, although the kids would have probably loved Ribfest, and the live music.

After work on Friday, we met up with Jim and Barb in Hartford at the Pizza Ranch to get the kids back again. They had a ton of fun, but were pretty beat from playing in the heat all day. It was pretty much straight to bed after we got them home.

On Saturday we made the trek to Minnesota to go to my parent's house. The kids handled the drive very well, and we made a stop at Ryan's house on the way so the kids could have a tractor ride, which they loved. They also spent a good portion of the day on the Ranger, which made them both very happy.

Once we got to my parent's house, my mom had some pools set up, so the kids went straight to the pools for some swimming. And they pretty much swam and played the afternoon away. Us adults enjoyed some adult beverages while the kids played, it was a nice afternoon.

We ate some delicious steaks for supper, and then pretty much relaxed with the kids and called it a night. Neither kid had a nap, so Elliott fell asleep rocking with Grandpa Jack at like 7pm and Emma wasn't too hard to put to sleep either. They were some pooped out kiddos.

Sunday was Elena's Baptism. After a busy morning of trying to keep the kids out of the pools with their church clothes on, we headed to church at 10:30 am. The service was hot and long, but it was nice, and it was great to witness Elena's baptism.

After some pictures, we headed back to the farm for lunch and socializing. Once again, it was great to see and visit with everyone, and get some baby cuddles in. John finally got to meet Elena, and enjoyed shooting some photos of her. We left my parent's house way too late though, and we didn't get home until 8:00pm, and we had some very crabby children by that point. It was a long weekend, and we were sure happy to finally be home.

Today is pretty warm again, and we have a softball double header tonight. It should be pretty fun, but it's going to be a super late night, and pretty sweaty. Go Bethel!

Fire Trucks at Daycare 

Swimming Days at Daycare 

Park Dates. 

Swimming at Grandma's House 

Swinging at Grandma's 

Tractor Rides with Uncle Ryan 

Fell asleep sitting up in the chair...was pretty tired 


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