Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Camping at Newton Hills

We had our first successful camping trip of the summer! We headed to Newton Hills for the weekend, and everyone had a really good time.

Jim and Barb bought a new camper a couple of months ago, so John and I pretty much inherited their old camper, which is pretty sweet. It's a 1989 camper, and it's nothing special, but it's free and it's in good shape, and John and I love it. So we stayed in out camper, and Jim and Barb stayed in theirs, and we just had a nice weekend.

We got to the campsite and set up at around 5:00pm on Friday night. Things got off to a pretty interesting start when Jim split his head open on a sharp edge of the camper, and he had to go to the ER and get some staples put in. He was ok, and after his ER visit he came back and stayed the rest of the weekend, but it made things interesting for a little while.

After some supper, and a campfire with some smores, John took Elliott home for the night, and Emma and I cleaned up and spent the night in the camper. We brought Elliott home each night because he had a terrible cold and we didn't want everyone to be awake all night listening to it, so it was better for everyone that he slept in his own bed. Emma on the other hand, LOVED the camping experience, especially the camper and sleeping in it. She was so excited to have her own bunk bed, and sleep in the camper, and use the flashlight to get around in the dark. She was just eating up the camping experience, it was pretty cute.

Saturday was a good day. We spent time going on bike rides, playing on playgrounds, doing crafts, watching Trolls outside, and just relaxing. It was a little exhausting trying to keep Elliott out of things he shouldn't be in, but otherwise it was a really good day. It started to rain on and off in the afternoon, but otherwise the weather was beautiful all weekend. In the evening, I took Elliott home for the night, and Emma and John spent the night in the camper. Elliott and I had a good night at home, and then headed back out to the campsite the next morning.

On Sunday, we had a pancake brunch, spent a little more time biking and playing, and then we packed up and headed home. We were all pretty pooped, and the kids had some good naps while we got unpacked and settled back at home. We had a pretty quiet Sunday evening, and tried to get the kids to bed early for Monday morning.

This week has been busy. I am beat. We had softball the last two nights, which got pretty late, tonight is church and then a meeting, and then tomorrow there is a block party at a church close to us. It's just like every night this week has something going on, so between that, and work, and the kids, I am just plain tired. Hopefully, I can catch up on some sleep this weekend!!

Emma loving the camping 

Games with Grandma 

Bike Rides with Daddy 

Elliott was obsessed with the campfire 


Playground Fun 

Practicing casting skills

Bike Rides 


Playing in the rain 

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