Sunday, September 10, 2017


We are entering out 4th week of school tomorrow, and I would say we are finally getting some sort of a routine down. Usually, I pick out Emma's outfit the night before, and also pack her lunch the night before. When we do as much as we can the night before, it makes the mornings a little easier on John. Emma is still loving school, and we are still trying to squeeze in at least 15 minutes of reading a night, which is actually kind of tricky some nights, but we are getting it done!

Elliott also started his first week at his new daycare, and he did such a good job!! He just walked in the first day and started playing with the toys and his new friends. There were no tears, he just calmly adapted to his new environment. It was great. The teachers say he is doing great there, and he seems to really enjoy it. So, it was a successful transition.

The weather continues to be nice around here, we have had some perfect 70 degree days lately, and beautiful evenings. We have been trying to fit in as many trips to the parks as we can, before the weather starts to get colder. So, between that, and our evening routines, our weeks tend to just fly by around here.

Yesterday was the Sidewalk Arts Festival downtown, and for some reason we thought it would be fun to go and bring the kids along. It wasn't so bad, but there were a TON of people there, about 10 city blocks worth of booths, and by the end the kids were getting pretty crabby. It was fun to look around at all the arts and crafts, and we all enjoyed the wonderful food. After looking at most of the booths, we brought the kids to the Kirby Science Center to play and burn off some of their energy. They had a blast, and both kids were crying when it was time to leave.

After some good naps, we headed out to Jim and Barb's to help move some of their furniture into the new house. The kids had a blast playing in a huge cardboard box, and running around on the farm.

Today, we did the church thing in the morning, and now it's time to pick up the house a little, do a little laundry, and just basically catch up before another week begins. In a little while, we are heading back to church for Reese's first birthday party. That year sure went fast!!

This next week is shaping up to be another busy one. Emma starts gymnastics on Monday evening, I have softball on Tuesday, and then throw in a couple late shifts at work, and just like that the week is over. And next weekend, we may go to Mankato to visit Rachel and Elena. Whew, it's going to be crazy!!

Daycare Fun

Park dates 

Lunch at the new daycare 

Dressed up like a Taco 

Emma is a cookie 

Enjoying some corn dogs at the Festival 

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