Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day Weekend.

Almost two weeks has flown by since the last time I blogged! School is in full swing around here, and Emma is still really enjoying it. We are working on handwriting and learning memory work. We also spent about 15 minutes each evening reading to her, so we can get up to 400 minutes per month for school. Emma loves school, and likes to help pack her lunches and pick out her clothes for the next day. She actually can't wait to get back to school after a 4 day holiday weekend this past week.

Elliott starts his new daycare this week. He says that he is excited, but it will be interesting to see how he does in a new environment. I think he will do ok, but he may need a few days to adjust to everything.

Other than adjusting to a new school schedule, things have been pretty calm around here. I played softball last week, and have two more games tomorrow, which should be fun.

Our holiday weekend was pretty low key. On Thursday night, we brought the kids out to Jim and Barb's to spend the night since Emma didn't have school and Eli's last day of daycare was on Thursday and both John and I had to work. So, the grandparents agreed to watch the kids. The kids had an absolute blast on the farm. John and I enjoyed an adult evening, and hit up a Canaries Game since it was such a beautiful night. It was also Thirsty Thursday, so we enjoyed some beer as well.

We went out and picked up the kids on Friday night after work. Barb fed us some fresh fish for supper, and then we checked out their new house. It is officially done and ready to be moved into once they have their new appliances. It was pretty exciting to see the finished project.

Saturday, we just mostly spent the day at home. We had some weird 24 hour bug that hit every member of our household, so our weekend wasn't a ton of fun. In between crabby kids and tummy aches, we did go to some parks around town, have a bike ride, went swimming at the Midco Aquatic Center, and even had a picnic in the park. So, the weekend wasn't a total bust. Emma and I also went to see Despicable Me 3 in the cheap theatre, and she loved it.

Today was a little bit of a catch up day. I did a lot of laundry and vacuuming, odds and ends, and played a lot of games, puzzles, and crafting with the kids. I'm not too sad the kids are sleeping right now, because I am gamed out!! Emma also had some homework to do, and we did 25 minutes of reading with her today, so I would say it was a good day!!

This coming week is pretty steady with activity as we have something going on all week, and Elliott has a nasty cough right now, which hopefully starts getting better. If only we could teach the kid to stop licking his hands all the time! Boys!!

Cuddles with dad

One last swim of the summer 

Summer walks 

Feeding chickens 

Canaries Game 

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