Monday, July 9, 2018

4th of July Camping

I have been missing in action for a couple of weeks, because we have just spent the better part of the last couple of weeks camping in Yankton. We had a lot of fun camping in Yankton, but holy cow we were busy and it was a lot of work.

We spent the weekend before the 4th of July at Yankton. It was a lot of fun. We filled our days with bike rides on the bike trail, swimming, and even a boat ride. We also ate at Jo Dean's in Yankton, and just enjoyed some nice weather.

We all came back home on Monday and Tuesday to work and send kids to daycare. Wednesday was 4th of July, so we went to the Lennox parade with Dyllan, Lizz, and Reese. It was a very nice parade, the kids got a lot of candy, but it was super hot and humid. It was so hot, that the kids stopped getting candy and went and stood in the shade. So, yeah it was super hot.

After the parade, we headed back to our campsite outside of Yankton. We spent the next four night at the Lewis and Clark recreation area. Most of our days were spent with multiple bike rides, at least one swimming trip a day, playgrounds, catching fireflies, campfires, lots of food, watching fireworks games, and whatever else the kids could think of to do.

Emma did really well on her bike. She loved the bike trail and could go quite a ways before her legs would get tired and she would need a break. She loved every second of it though, and I think we will be hitting up the Sioux Falls bike trails in no time.

Elliott also did really well, and he liked riding his trike on the bike trail. But, of course it was slow going and he couldn't handle all the hills very well, so it was a struggle at times. It will be so much easier once he can ride a bike.

The kids did really well camping. The 4 night in a camper were a little much. One night Elliott woke up screaming, and cried and screamed for 20 minutes straight, and then Emma started crying. That night sucked pretty bad. It was late nights, and early mornings, and uncomfortable beds, so there wasn't much sleeping going on.

We had a really fun time camping, but I am pretty camped out for the season. The kids are just so busy and want to do so much, there isn't much time for relaxing. I am sure we will camp in Minnesota at least once this summer, and other than that I think we will be done with camping.

Also, on the way home our awning fell off our camper and broke. So that was fun. I guess we will worry about that next summer.

Here are a bunch of photos from our camping excursion.

Supper with Mr. Incredible 

Camping. (Emma fell on the sidewalk and hurt her face)

Loving the boat ride 

Making Gloop

Emma's not feeling well. 

On the Bike Trail 

Parade Time 

They love their kitty and puppy bags grandma made 

Happy 4th of July!!

Catching Fireflies 

Beautiful Sunset 

Water guns!!

The Aquarium 

Feeding the fish 

A day at the beach 

Shooting Rockets 

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