Sunday, July 29, 2018

Wrapping up July.

We closed the chapter on a another softball season yesterday. We had our end-of-the-year tournament. We didn't really do very well, we went 1-3 in 4 games, but it was a fun season and I think we were all ready for it to be done and move on to other things this summer.

We started our day at 8:00 in the morning, and didn't leave the fields until a little after 2pm. It was a long day. We also had the kids out there all day since Jim and Barb were still on vacation. The kids did really well, and had fun riding their bikes and playing with the other kids. They were so worn out by the time we left. When we got home, we showered everyone up and then headed to Pastor's house for a grill out and some socializing. It was a beautiful evening to be outside with some friends.

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. Monday and Tuesday were spent playing softball. On Wednesday the kids made birthday cards for Rachel and Ryan and we mailed them out, the kids thought that was pretty cool.

On Friday, John had to shoot a wedding, so the kids and I had an evening to ourselves. We started off by going to Casey's grand opening on the west side of town and eating some good, cheap food and winning some door prizes. The kids thought it was great. They got pizza, slushies, donuts, and other treats. They were set.

After Caseys, we headed to Sertoma Park for some park time, and then we headed home for some Tom and Jerry before bedtime. The kids twisted my arm, and had a sleepover in the living room. They both slept on their Paw Patrol pillow beds, and it was pretty cute. They were super tired and it wasn't long until they were out cold.

Today, we couldn't get our lazy bums up early enough, so we had to skip church. We are planning to spent some time outside today, since it's supposed to be in the 70s again today. Maybe the bike trail? Then, we are meeting up with Jim and Barb for Pizza Ranch later today since they are finally home from vacation. The kids will be excited!

This next week is shaping up to be a little quieter than previous weeks. John is going out of town to meet a client, so the kids are spending a couple nights out at the Nelson farm since I have my softball tournament for women's league on Tuesday night. Then, just like that softball is done for the summer.

Hard to believe that August it almost here. Soon it will be fair time, and then before we know it, school. Yikes!!

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