Thursday, August 23, 2018

First day of school 2018.

I guess summer is officially over because we are in the full swing of school over here. Somehow, Emma started first grade yesterday. She is super excited about school again this year, and she just loves being there. Mrs. Knuth is her teacher again this year, and so far things are going quite smoothly. We expect more homework this year, but hopefully it's manageable, and Emma does well with it.  Emma has been pretty sensitive and moody these past couple of nights, I can't wait until she gets used to her new schedule and isn't so crabby in the evenings!! This is what we get for too many late nights this summer.

Yesterday was the official first day of school, and I took the day off from work so I could help get the kids ready and be there for Emma's first day. John and I went together to drop Emma off at school. We had chapel at school with the kids, and then we left a very excited Emma to drop Elliott off at daycare.

Elliott moved into a new room at daycare today. He is now officially a Zebra, and no longer a busy bee. He was super excited to move rooms, and it sounds like he had a fabulous first day. His teachers said he did very well, and he had all kinds of stories to tell me about his first day. In his new room, they do more prep work for kindergarten and work on their letters and numbers. I can't believe how big he is getting! He acts more mature than Emma some days.

Yesterday evening was absolutely beautiful, so we took advantage and went to the Canaries game. The kids enjoyed the bouncy houses and some dipping dots, while John and I got to actually watch some of the game. It was a perfect summer evening, and a great way to end an exciting day!

This weekend we don't have much for plans, and I think we are just going to keep it low key. The kids will hopefully sleep in a little and catch up on some sleep, and maybe we can just enjoy a couple more summer days before fall is here in full force. If it's nice enough, we might hit up the swimming pools one more time before they close for the year.

There is a lot of excitement in our household with school starting and new daycare classrooms!! Our next project is creating a consistent evening schedule so we can get all our homework and baths done, and still get kids to bed on time (with a little TV time thrown in there)

Here's to a new school year!! (and packing a lot of lunches!!)

New haircut for school 

First day of first grade!!


Best friends. 

Emma's classroom 

Being silly. 

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