Sunday, August 12, 2018

Dog Days of Summer.

Just like that, another two weeks of summer have flown by. We have been super busy again, so much so that last week, we didn't get the kids to bed before 10pm one singe night. Yikes! Not the greatest parenting move.

So, let's see, a couple weeks ago, I played our last games for women's league softball. We had our end of the year tournament. We ended up winning our conference, so we got T-shirts for that, but we lost our second game of the tournament. It was a fun season, but I was ready for a break from softball two nights a week.

On Wednesday night, we use our Great Life membership to get free tickets to the Canaries game. It was pretty fun, both kids really enjoyed running around and playing at the game. Plus, it was a beautiful evening to spend at the ballpark.

Last Saturday, we had the Called Workers from church over for a picnic before school starts again. It went really well. We smoked some pork, and served some good food and beer, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. The kids really enjoyed playing together. Everyone was pretty much at our house until a little after 9, it was a great evening.

Last Sunday was the Bethel Bike Ride. A big group of us from church got on our bikes and rode the bike trail, played in a park, and then had a picnic. I wasn't sure what to expect from the kids, but they did really well. Elliott rode his bike with training wheels, and made it all the way to the playground, and Emma rode a solid 5 miles on her bike, which was pretty dang impressive. We had a nice crowd of people show up and it was very nice fellowship and biking.

This past week has been absolutely insane. On Monday night, John and I went to the fair to see Josh Turner. He put on a pretty good show, and it was a gorgeous night to sit outside at a concert. We also enjoyed some fair food The kids went to Dyllan and Lizz's house for the evening and had a good time.

On Tuesday after work, I brought both kids to the fair to do rides. It was half price wrist band night, so they did rides for a solid 4 hours or so. John eventually joined us. We also went through the animal barns, ate some food, and went to some of the Trace Adkins concert, which the kids thought was pretty cool. It was their first official concert!

On Wednesday, we watched Reese, so Dyllan and Lizz could go enjoy the fair. It was a fun evening having Reese at our house, and the kids enjoyed having someone new to play with. On Thursday we had a church meeting that went late into the night, and then finally we made it to the weekend.

On Friday, we headed out of town as soon as we were done with work. We were heading to Diamond Lake to go camping with my family. We made pretty good time and we made it to Diamond Lake at around 8:00pm. The kids had so much fun camping. We went on a long boat ride, went into town to go swimming at a waterpark, went to a really big park, played in the sand, rode bike, had campfires, made smores, and just generally had a good time camping. The kids stayed really busy, and had a ton of fun.

Rachel, Elena, and Ryan also joined up camping, so it was nice to hang out with the whole family. But once again, it was late nights for everyone, we are going to have such a hard time getting back into a school schedule!!

We left Diamond Lake at around 1pm and made it home about an hour ago. We are unloaded, laundry in the wash, and both kids are passed out cold. They are so tired!! Rachel is coming to our house sometime tonight, because tomorrow we are leaving to go to the Omaha Zoo. The kids are super excited, and it should be a really fun day, but it's also going to be 6 hours of driving and 92 degrees out, so everyone should be nice and tired tomorrow as well.

Summer is definitely keeping us busy this year!!

First Place in our Division 

Canaries Game

Bethel Bike Ride

Josh Turner Concert

Aspen Heights Movie Night

Excited to be at the Fair!!

Emma's first Concert; Trace Adkins 

Campfires in Minnesota 

Making Pizza

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