Thursday, September 6, 2018

Cross Country.

This year, Bethel decided to try something new and have a cross country team. Sioux Falls Parks and Rec is hosting 3 cross country meets at Morningside Park this fall. The first meet was yesterday. Emma has been pretty unsure about all this cross country business, and all the running that is involved. However, she was convinced into participating once she knew that all her friends were going to do it as well.

Yesterday was a perfect day for a cross country meet. It was about 75 degrees, a little breezy, and just all around beautiful. Emma was finally ready to go. All Emma heard before the race was the guy in charge say "If you get too tired, you can walk" and Emma was walking off the bat. The run for the kindergarten and first graders was only a 1/4 of a mile, and Emma spent the first third of that walking. She finally decided to run after that, but it was too much walking and she ended up in last place. She didn't seem to mind very much though, and she really enjoyed her purple popsicle at the end of the race. It was sort of comical watching her and all her sass, but I was really proud of her for running and finishing the course.

Grandma Barb came to watch the meet, and afterwards we all ate some supper at Hy Vee Grille. It was a fun day to spend outside.

Today was another gorgeous day. I love this time of year.

We finally finished Emma's homework and practicing all her spelling and memory work, so now it's time to finally relax with a little TV and then bedtime. The kids have been pretty tired in the evenings, so I know they are getting nice and worn out during the day.

Emma has a sleep over at Hannah's house tomorrow for her birthday. Emma is super pumped and can't wait to spend the night. I just hope she can go all night without a bedwetting accident.

Otherwise, we are planning a pretty low-key and relaxing weekend with not much on the agenda. Here's to a quiet weekend!!

Cross Country 

The kindergarten and first grade participants 

Orange Day at school 

Even Elliott and Rachel ran some 

Emma having fun

Learning about the letter B

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