Thursday, December 6, 2018

Santa Visits.

This past week has been busy, busy, busy. We are definitely into the thick of the holiday season, and we are getting caught up in all the busyness.

Last Friday, Santa was at Hy-Vee, so I took the kids to see Santa. Both kids did very well, and loved their Santa visit. Elliott went first, and climbed right up on Santa's lap. He couldn't think of any toys that he wanted, so he just started naming every toy he could see from where he was sitting. It was pretty cute.

Emma also did really well. She is just starting to doubt Santa, and ask a lot of questions about him, but for this visit she sat on his lap, talked to him, and asked him for some books for Christmas. Such a sweetie. They both got a can of pop, a candy cane, and an ornament to decorate. It was a success.

Then, we picked up a few groceries. Hy-Vee was crazy town because they were predicting a large blizzard for Saturday. And nothing makes people flock to a grocery store like a blizzard.

We spent Friday evening watching Elf in the basement, which both kids thought was amazing. We stayed home all day Saturday and just played games, did crafts, and baked cookies with the kids. It was a really nice day to be at home, relax, and just enjoy each other's company. John also took Emma ice skating, which she really enjoyed and she's already talking about when she can go again.

Sunday, we went to church, and then Emma had Christmas program practice in the afternoon. This week is just crazy busy, we literally have something going on every single day of the week. On Tuesday night, we went to the Stampede Game with free tickets that John got for giving blood. Yesterday we had Advent church service with supper and then church, and Emma sang with the school kids during church.

Luckily, today I have the day off from work. I am spending the day doing about 6 load of laundry, baking some bars for work, and just generally cleaning the house. The kids and I have dentist appointments at 3:00pm and then Elliott has his Christmas Program at daycare at 6:30pm tonight. It has just been go, go, go this week!

Tomorrow we are heading to Minnesota after work for a Shrimp Boil for all the people who helped with the fall Harvest. The Bethel Basketball Team also plays in Redwood Falls on Saturday, so we will probably go and watch a couple of those games as well.

Here's to the busy holiday season!!

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