Thursday, November 29, 2018

Elliott's 4th Birthday/Kiecker Thanksgiving

Somehow my little boy turned 4 years old this past weekend. He has been super-excited for his birthday for the last couple of months, and he sure wasn't disappointed.

Elliott is still at a really fun age. He is so curious about everything, and asks a million questions constantly. He loves to tell stories, and pretty much talks non-stop when we are traveling in the car, or at the supper table. He knows all his letters and can count all the way up to 30. He knows his colors and shapes as well. He loves daycare, and his teacher tells me that he is a sweetheart and loves to give hugs, and he tells his teacher that she is pretty. He really loves hugs, but can take or leave kisses. He has been going to bed like a champ lately, and has still never wet his bed or had any night time accidents. He loves his marble game, legos, puzzles, and coloring. He is such a sweet little boy, and usually he plays really well with Emma. He doesn't really like having his picture taken, and he doesn't like going to bed when he is so busy playing. He is a really fun 4 year old, and I can't wait to see what this next year brings.

On Black Friday we took the kids, and Jim and Barb, to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate Elliott's birthday. The kids have been asking for quite a while to go back to Chuck E Cheese, so we thought it would work really well for a birthday celebration. The kids absolutely loved playing all the games and getting tickets. Both kids did really well learning how to play the games, and they got really excited when they got tickets for their hard work. They also really enjoyed picking out their prizes when we were done with the games. Neither kid wanted to leave, so it was a successful afternoon.

After Chuck E Cheese we ate supper at Sickies and then we headed downtown for the Parade of Lights. The kids were really super excited for the parade, and it did not disappoint. There were 70 floats in the parade, and 40,000 people showed up to watch. It was in the low 30s, so it was a pretty nice evening to watch a parade. Everyone had a really good time, and we were all pretty tired when we left around 9:00pm.

Saturday was Elliott's actual birthday. We got up early and hit the road to Minnesota for Thanksgiving on my dad's side. We got to my parent's house around 10:30 am and enjoyed a nice day with the family. Elliott got to open more gifts, and he got another birthday cake. The kids enjoyed playing with all the new toys, while the adults enjoyed some sheephead and games. The meal was wonderful, the wine was delicious. and the company was great. It was really nice to see everyone, I love the holidays.

On Sunday, we went to church with mom and dad, and then we helped decorate the church for Christmas. After lunch, we headed back to Sioux Falls.

This past week has flown by pretty quickly, and uneventfully. We did manage to finally get our Christmas decorations up, and the kids loved decorating the tree. Tomorrow the kids are going to Grandma and Grandpas so we can go out with friends and go bowling. Then on Saturday, we are planning on working on sugar cookies during the snowstorm that is coming. It should be another fun, festive, weekend.

Chuck E Cheese

Excited for the parade of lights 

Hanging out with Elena 

Opening more birthday presents 

Mouse Trap

Happy 4th Birthday Elliott

Elliott enjoying his sparkling grape juice 

Playing Sheephead with Grandma and Grandpa 

Decorating church 

Elliott celebrating his birthday at daycare 

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