Sunday, January 6, 2019

Stampede Game.

This past weekend was pretty busy, and confirmed that I am happy with my two children, and don't have any plans to add any more anytime soon.

We babysat Reese Friday evening into Saturday because Lizz was busy having her second daughter, Charlotte Grace. I picked Reese up from daycare after work and then picked up the other kids and brought everyone home. Reese was a little unsure about things at first, but it didn't take her long to warm up and have fun with Emma and Elliott. The kids did really well with Reese and got along really well with her. The only real problem was that Reese is not very good at sharing since she is an only child, and she sometimes would rip things away from the kids, and that would lead to some fighting.

We had a good evening, and then Reese fell asleep watching Mickey Mouse in the basement. We put her on a pillow bed on the floor in our bedroom, and she slept all night. On Saturday, we enjoyed a nice morning of just playing with toys and being at home. In the late morning, we went to the library for story time and crafts. It was really fun, but it was way different having to keep track of 3 kids instead of 2.

After the library, we had lunch at Hy Vee, which resulted in a Reese tantrum. It was bad enough that we got 3 balloons out of the staff, just to try and quiet things down a little. After lunch, we took Reese on a drive, and she passed out for a much-needed nap.

Dyllan came to pick up Reese in the afternoon, and we were all ready for a little quieter household again. It was fun to have her over and to help out, but I'm definitely not used to dealing with a 2 year old anymore.

We ended our day with a Stampede Game. John won tickets from KTWB, and we enjoyed really good seats at the game. We actually stayed for the whole game and the Stampede actually won as well. The kids did pretty well, but they were pretty restless by the end of the game. We were home and in bed at around 10pm, with two tired little kiddos.

Today was a catch up day. We did some laundry, cleaned, and just enjoyed a nice crockpot supper. It was great weekend, and I am so not ready for Monday morning to come.

This was the least busy weekend we have in January, if that tells you how busy our January is!!

The pajama squad 

Checking out the hockey game 


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