Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Halloween Festivities

We are in full Halloween mode over here. We've been watching some Halloween movies (Hocus Pocus, It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, and Halloweentown to name a few). We also had a super-duper Halloween day last Saturday.

We started Saturday morning off with some crafts, and we decorated some Halloween cards and then mailed them off to family. Then, John ran off to shoot some family photos, followed by a wedding, so the kids and I had a day of fun.

We started at the Washington Pavillion for Spooky Science, which was basically a Halloween themed trip to the Kirby Science Center. It was really fun. They had all kind of tables set up with science experiments and activities for the kids, as well as candy. The kids loved it. We stayed there for about 3 hours, and it was super busy with other families as well.

After the Pavillion, we headed to Pet Stop for some Trunk or Treating. Once again, the kids loved it. There were about 14 different trunks decorated, and they were all handing out candy and had games for the kids to play. The kids also got to vote for their favorite trunk which they thought was really cool. The weather was totally perfect as well. It was sunny, 68 degrees, and just gorgeous.

After trunk or treating, we headed to Fizolis for lunch. The kids ate really well, and then we headed to Stensland for some ice cream for their 3rd birthday celebration. They were giving away balloons and free mini dips for the kids. It hit the spot.

Next, was a birthday party for one of Elliott's daycare friends, Blake. We went to the Sanford Wellness Center where the kids got to swim, and then eat Pizza and ice cream cake. They were in total heaven.

Finally at 5pm we were ready to head home again. We played outside for a while to enjoy the beautiful evening, and then I got the kids snuggled on the couch and we watched Toy Story 4. I had two very tired kids at the point. They were exhausted. And so was mama.

Shortly after the movie started, we called it a night. Sunday was a little more relaxing. We went to church (Emma sang!) and then just enjoyed the day at home. We watched the Vikings, finished a puzzle, and then did some cleaning and playing. It was nice to just stay home.

Today, we went to the Museum of Visual Materials for a Halloween Party for the kids. There were games and crafts set up for free, and the kids really enjoyed it. After an hour or so, we were all ready for some supper. We hit up Godfather's for supper, and now we are finally home enjoying the evening.

We have more Halloween things planned for this weekend. I love this time of the year.

Ninja Emma and Pirate Elliott

Birthday Party Fun 

Melt my heart

Yay Fall!!
The Ninja Turtle and Supergirl are ready. 

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