Friday, November 1, 2019

Halloween 2019

Whew! Many Halloween activities and four buckets of candy later, Halloween is officially in the books. We maybe overdid the Halloween thing a little this year, but I loved every second of it.

Last weekend, we spent another weekend cramming in some Halloween activities. On Saturday, we spent the morning raking leaves and jumping in leaf pile while John had another family photo shoot. It was pretty chilly out, but the kids loved it.

After lunch, we headed to Hy-Vee to celebrate Halloween there. They do a really good job putting on a fun Halloween celebration. The kids got to decorate sugar cookies and pumpkins, hug a pop machine for a free pop, and then trick or treat throughout the store. It was really fun, and we beat most of the rush, which was really nice.

After Hy-Vee, we went to the Kuehn Community Center, which was also having a Halloween Party. There were games, inflatables, candy, and prizes. Once again, the kids had fun.

After all that, we were ready to head home for a while and recover, until the evening when we met up with Johnny and Kristina, and their kids and did a couple Trunk or Treat events. There were so many people and the weather got pretty chilly. So, by the time we were done with the trunk or treating, we were ready to eat some supper and call it a day!

Sunday was a typical catch-up day. We also went to visit Judie at Ava's House. Judie passed away yesterday- on Halloween. It's sad to see her go, but it's nice to know she's no longer sick or suffering here and she's happy in heaven. Her funeral is going to be on Monday, and there has been a lot of family around, which has been nice.

Yesterday was Halloween. I took the day off, just for the heck of it. So, I enjoyed dropping the kids off at school (I never get to do that!) and then I did a lot of baking. Today is the Fall Festival at church, so I made 2 dozen cupcakes. I also made some soup and pumpkin bread. It was a busy afternoon.

Jim and Barb came by to help hand out candy while we took the kids trick or treating, which we have done for the last 6 years. We all enjoyed some supper, and then John and I took the kids out. It was quite chilly this year, but the kids did really well. They basically ran from house to house, and they each got an entire bucket full of candy. It was crazy. We have so much candy, I have no idea what we will do with it all.

Jill and Peg came to join us later in the evening, and it was really nice to visit with them and see them. The kids were super pumped to see them.

Then, just like that, Halloween was over. We finally got the kids settled down and put to bed, and then that was that. I love Halloween, and I am always a little sad when it's over. But, now it's time to switch the focus to Thanksgiving, and then Christmas! :)

Leaf Jumping 

Trunk or Treating 

Happy Halloween 

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