Saturday, January 4, 2020

Frosty Frolics 2020

We've been busy during our first weekend of 2020. We had a couple normal days of school and work, and then we cruised into another weekend and a couple more days off.

We were offered free Stampede Tickets from the the Knuths for Friday night. We didn't have anything else going on, so we decided to go. We had really nice seats and the kids actually watched a lot of the game. They got on the big screen a couple times during the evening, and they were super pumped about that. We also ran into Kristina and Johnny and their kids. We spent some of the game with them, which the kids really enjoyed. The kids all danced to Cotten Eyed Joe, and everybody had a really good time. The Stampede won 7-2, and it was a great (free) night.

Today was a really nice Saturday. We spent the morning just vegging at home, watching cartoons, taking down Christmas decorations, and just relaxing. At 10:30 we went to the Library for Frosty Frolics which included Story time and crafts. The kids had a lot of fun. We made snowmen, snowflakes, made snowman poppers, and spent a good 2 hours at the library. Emma completed enough of her winter reading program to get a prize, which was a brand new water bottle, She was pretty proud of that.

After the library, John took the kids ice skating so I could clean the house and go to the gym. The kids really loved the ice skating. They are still learning, and have a ways to go, but they really enjoyed it. Elliott was even going without the walker towards the end of their skating.

Now we are finally settling down, and relaxing for the day. The kids have a movie going downstairs, and we are watching some playoff football. It's a great Saturday evening.

Tomorrow we have our 4-H Christmas Party at Eastway Bowl, and supper at Pizza Ranch. It should be a fun time. Then, we go back to normal work weeks. I'm sad to see that the holidays are over, but I am ready to go back to some normalcy around here.

We had a great start to 2020!

Stampede Game!

Ice skating 

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