Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year's Day

Hello 2020. How did that happen? I can remember thinking 2020 was so far away once, and now here it is.

John and I actually had no kids last night for New Year's Eve. And we really lived it up by going to church, then out to eat at TC Referees, and then to top it off we went grocery shopping. I know, we are party animals. We watched a movie, barely made it to midnight, and then called it a night.

With another year, comes another set of goals. I try to not get too into the resolutions thing, because I think it's hard to keep them if you just thing of them as a New Year's resolution. I think it's easier to try to make lifestyle changes and try to look at them that way. But anyway, here are my goals for 2020.

1. Keep moving. I have actually been pretty dedicated to the gym since I set the goal last year. I usually go at least 3 times a week (not ALL the time, but most weeks). And I actually enjoy going to the gym. I am lucky enough to have a job that keeps me moving every day as well, So getting my steps and workout in, is actually pretty doable for me. I just need to keep it up!!

2. Work on my diet. Now that I have the exercise part mostly figured out, I need to be more conscious of what I am eating. I'm getting a little better, but I still have my weak moments where I slip up during the day, and it pretty much wrecks my whole day diet wise. So, here's to more fruit and veggies, and less chips and snackies. And even more home cooked meals at home.

3. Get my certification at work. I want to get my CNOR, which means I am a certified nurse in the operating room. There is an online study program I am going to sign up for, and then I hope to take the test this spring. This has been on my work goal list for the last couple years, and this year I am doing it!!

4. Organize the house. I have gotten a good start on this, but now since Christmas is over, I want to go through all the kids toys and clothes, and get rid of what we are not using. We have too much stuff. The closets are my main focus. Clean and organize all the closets in the house.

5. Try to blog more. I finally caught up on my scrapbooking after being over a year behind. So, I need to stay up to date on that, as well as my blogging. The blogging as taken a serious hit this last year, and I hope I can be a little more frequent with it.

6. More activities with the kids. We are actually pretty good at keeping our kids busy doing things, but we could be better about getting out of the house in the winter time to do things. My ideas for this are bowling, swimming, sledding, tubing at Great Bear, Sky Zone, and allowing Emma to have more sleepovers with her friends.

Overall, 2019 was a decent year. The end of it was really tough, losing both Grandma and Grandpa, and John's aunt Judie. But, there were also many good things that happened throughout the year. Here's to a happy, healthy 2020. Cheers!!

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