Monday, January 2, 2023

Ringing in 2023

 Well, here we are, the second day of 2023 already. I just went back and skimmed my first post of 2022, and I feel like I can agree with most of what I set as goals, and I feel like I did a pretty good job on them. 

Goals for 2023:

1. Health and fitness. This is always a goal every year, and every year I do pretty well, but I can always improve. I have a good habit of going to the gym, but my eating habits and fallen a little bit this past year. I want to get back on track and increase my fruit and veggie intake, and just eat generally healthier meals. I'd like to decrease the amount of chips and candy we have in the house, especially for the sake of the kids to keep them in line a little bit. The holiday eating always gets pretty crazy and now it's time to rain it in a little. 

2. Reading. I still love reading, and I want to continue to spend time reading good books. However, the kids have decreased their reading a little. I make them read most evenings, but over the holidays and on busy days it doesn't always happen. And I want to read a book like The Wizard of Oz with them, and then talk about themes and lessons within the story. Both kids could work on their critical thinking and comprehension skills. So, more of that in our life. 

3. Music. The kids are both taking piano lessons, and doing pretty well. I just want to encourage more general playing and lesson time. We squeeze in the bare minimum, and I would like to encourage both kids and myself to play more often. It's very therapeutic. 

4. Travel. I want us to plan more trips. A trip to Duluth. A trip to the Cities. A trip to Chicago. They don't have to be huge trips, but a couple more longer weekend trips to explore the area. Some with kids, some without kids. That's what I want for 2023. 

5. Solid Family Time. Sometimes we fall into the rushing, stressing loop that weeknights can bring. I would like us to slow down, spend time together, and limit the Ipad/Nintendo time. We already limit their time, but I think we need to limit it a little more, and do more activities in the evenings. Not every evening, but at least a couple times a week. Time flies, and the kids keep getting more independent, and I just want to spend as much time with them as I can, before they become totally independent. 

Those seem like 5 solid goals for 2023. I know they aren't specific and measurable, but I feel good about them and want to work hard at doing my best with these things. 

Cheers to a great 2023!!

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