Sunday, February 19, 2023

Okoboji Weekend

This past week has been a wild ride. I think we had something going on every single evening, and then we headed to Iowa for the weekend, so it was very busy. 

On Monday evening, we had parent-teacher conferences. I am happy to say there weren't any surprises for us and the teachers had mostly good things to say about the kids. Emma still needs to not rush through her work so much, but otherwise they had glowing reviews. So, that was nice!

On Tuesday evening, we had Emma's last regular season game with her YMCA team. They had an awesome game. Emma's team won 46-4, which made me feel pretty bad for the other team. But, Emma had 8 points, a ton of rebounds, and she played a good game. Jeff and Samantha also came to watch the game, so the kids enjoyed them being there. 

On Wednesday, the kids had basketball practice, and then we had choir practice. Then, we rushed home to have supper and get groceries for the weekend. It was a blur of craziness. 

On Thursday, we had a somewhat normal evening. I have a WOB meeting, and Emma had basketball practice with her YMCA team. Then, we spent some time packing and getting ready for our trip to the waterpark. 

Finally on Friday, we had Emma and Elliott's last regular basketball games of the season. Elliott's team didn't do great, but they did really improve throughout the season. They lost 12-0. The kids are learning, and growing, and they will be even better next year. Elliott was pretty annoyed that they lost, but I think he has enjoyed basketball this year. 

Emma's team did pretty well, but they lost by 4 points. Their game was really physical and hard-fought. Emma ended up with a bloody nose from taking an elbow to the face. It took an entire quarter to get her nose to stop bleeding. She never cried or made a fuss, it just took a while to get it to stop. Emma played great. She didn't have any points, but she had a ton of rebounds, some steals, and she played great help defense all night. It was a great game. There were some tears at the end, but they all played so well. 

After the game, we left for Okoboji. We got to the hotel at around 9:30pm. We unpacked, got settled, and then visited for a while before finally heading to bed. It was a wild evening. 

Yesterday, we ate a good breakfast, spent some time in our room, and then headed down to the waterpark. It was pretty busy, but we all had a good time. We went down the slides, floated in the lazy river, and enjoyed the hot tub. When we got hungry for lunch, we went back to the room for tacos and chips and salsa, and then we headed back to the waterpark. We spent a couple more hours swimming, and then we were sick of the noise and the crazy amount of people, and we called it a day. 

We headed back to the room, showered up, and then headed out for supper. We went to the Nautical Bar and Grill and had a great supper. Afterwards, we headed back to the room for games and snacks, and drinks. The kids had a blast playing in the big rooms, and us adults enjoyed some games. 

Today was a catch-up day. We had a nice egg bake for breakfast, packed up, played a final game, and then all headed home. We got home around noon, and worked on laundry, cleaning, and just relaxing for the rest of the day. 

Now, we are still finishing laundry, and trying to prepare for another week. This next weekend, we are heading to Nebraska for the NELS basketball tournament. We are supposed to leave on Thursday, but there is a giant snowstorm coming again this week, so we will see what happens. 

Here's to another crazy week of weather and basketball!!


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