Wednesday, January 24, 2024

January Catch Up

 I haven't blogged in like 3 weeks, but in my defense, there hasn't been a whole lot going on around here. We have been keeping busy, but just with the normal day to day things. 

Basketball has continued for Emma. Her YMCA league continues to play well, and now Bethel has started up. So, far Bethel has just had practices but their first game is on Friday. Emma continues to improve with her basketball skills and she is getting really fun to watch. I love that she loves basketball. 

Elliott has just started basketball practice at Bethel, and it seems to be going really well. His first game is on Friday also, and I am super pumped to watch him play. It's always an adventure to watch 3rd graders play basketball, especially his class. He is really excited about it, and I think he is going to be a lot more aggressive this year. 

We are also staying busy with archery this year. Both kids have been going on Tuesday evenings, and they are enjoying it. Elliott really likes it, and I think that Emma just tolerates it. But, it's a fun skill to watch them improve with, and if they happen to qualify for State and want to go shoot in Pierre that would be pretty cool.

A couple weekends ago, we went to an Augustana hockey game at the Denny. They were really fun to watch. It's pretty exciting to watch D1 college hockey after watching the Stampede be mediocre for so many year. We brought Katie with us, and we all had a really good time. I think we will be going to more hockey games in the future. 

Otherwise, we have had some pretty cold weekends the last couple weekends, so we just stayed home and watched football and cleaned and organized the house. We ended up getting a lot of the house cleaned, and we got rid of a lot of stuff, so that was satisfying. We also have been watching some Home Improvement, spending lots of time with Legos, reading, and John and Elliott have discovered the Nintendo Switch again. I also started my huge Diamond Art, so I have been spending some time with that. 

We are also staying busy with work and school. No big news there, we just continue to spend time doing homework, working through the catechism, and staying on the kids to stay on top of their work and not Ipad constantly.

Basketball pictures at school, I love them!

Made Hot Cocoa Bombs 

Basketball YMCA league 


Augie Hockey 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a busy but fulfilling few weeks! Exciting to see Emma and Elliott's basketball journeys unfold. Best of luck to both in their upcoming games, and how fun that they're into archery too!

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