Monday, April 1, 2024

April 1, 2024

 Well, just like that, March has rushed by and it's now April. Although, you wouldn't know it by the weather. Today has been snowy, wet, and cold and windy. Unfortunately, spring looks like it is in no hurry to get here. 

Emma wrapped up basketball a little over a week ago. They had the Tri-State Basketball Tournament. It went ok. They ended up losing all three games, but they got a t-shirt, and they had some fun playing together and they improved a lot over the year. Now, we are shifting gears to softball. Emma was supposed to start practice today, but the snow put a stop to that. So, once it gets a little nicer, we will start having some practices. 

Elliott is getting ready to start soccer. His first practice is next week, and his first game is a week from Saturday. I sure hope the weather improves soon. But, Elliott is excited. I just have to get him some new cleats, and we are ready to go. 

We also went to a couple Summit League games this year, and got to watch the Jacks win the summit league championship. Both men and women went to the NCAA tournament. They both lost right away, but it was fun to watch them. We have been following the March Madness tournament, and it's sure fun to watch such good basketball. 

This past weekend was Easter. The weather was not great, but we had some nice gatherings. On Saturday, we drove to Mankato for the day. Rachel hosted Easter and we had ham balls, 7 layer salad, cheesy potatoes, fruit and veggies trays, strawberry dessert, roll ups, deviled eggs, and ice cream cake. Needless to say, we didn't suffer. 

We spent the day visiting, eating, and we went for a chilly walk. We also celebrated Elena's 7th birthday with the ice cream cake and presents. After a light supper, we headed back home. We made it home around 8:30 pm which wasn't too bad, but we all headed to bed pretty quickly because we had to be at church at 6:10 am the next day. 

On Sunday, we went to sunrise service at 6:30 am. The choir sang 3 times during the service, and then we had the Easter breakfast afterwards. It was a busy, fun morning. Then after breakfast we had the festival service before finally heading home to change, and get ready to head to Jim and Barb's house. 

At Jim and Barb's house we had pork loin and ham, deviled eggs, cheesy potatoes, veggie tray, pea salad. and cheesecake, brownies, cupcakes, pecan pie, and fruit pizza. We hit the desserts a little hard. We also put on an easter egg hunt for the kids in the greenhouse. Then we just spent time visiting, playing Uno and Rummicub, and just having a nice day. 

The kids decided to spend the night, so they are still out at the farm. They are on spring break all week, and I have the week off as well. So, today I spent the day getting new tires and an oil change, getting caught up at home, scheduling Intek to come and clean our vents, working on a will, and paying bills. Its been a really productive day, but it hasn't been very relaxing. 

The rest of this week is pretty busy as well. Elliott has a birthday party tomorrow, and then Emma gets her braces on Thursday. We also have some appointments and shopping to get done during the week. As well as piano and reading and all the normal things. This spring break is going to be full of tasks and jobs, but it will feel so good getting some of these things done. 

Appreciation Cake at work 

Summit League Champ Trophies 

Shooting hoops 

Open Gym with the Skyforce 

Easter in MN

Happy Easter!

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