Saturday, April 27, 2024

Spring Happenings

 Spring is in full swing over here, and there are only 3 weeks of school left. The weather still sucks. We are dealing with every day being gloomy, windy, and hanging around 55-60 degrees. So, not terrible, but not great. I need some sunshine and warmth in my life. We are getting some rain which has been really nice, but I want some spring weather already. 

Anyway, Elliott's soccer games have started. All of the games have been pretty miserable to sit through weather wise, but Elliott's team is 3-0 and he is really enjoying his team. He has practice once a week, and pretty much one game a week. So, between that and Emma's schedule, and school and work, we are keeping busy. Most weeks we have something going on every night of the week. So, our weeks can get a little crazy. 

Emma has not started games yet for softball, but she has practice twice a week right now. She is really enjoying softball this year, which is a nice change from last year. Her confidence is building, and I hope she has a good season with her friends. 

This past Tuesday, we went to "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown" at Jefferson High School. Jim and Barb came with us. It was a really good play, and the kids really enjoyed it. I always like to try and support the high school theatre departments and attend some of their shows, and I am never disappointed. 

Speaking of plays, we had our Spring Showcase at Bethel last night. The kids did a play called "A Kid's Life" and it was about what happens when the power goes out and kids these days have to entertain themselves without electronics. 

The evening started with a piano recital. Both kids did really well with their pieces. Elliott got really nervous, and he looked like he was going to burst into tears at anytime. But, he held it together. He played his pieces really fast, but got through them with minor mistakes, and he did a really good job. Emma looked less nervous, and she did really well. She made a couple mistakes, but overall they sounded wonderful and I am a proud mama. 

The play also went well. It was cute and the kids did a nice job. Elliott continued to be nervous, but he got through all his lines and songs just fine. His ears were so red though I thought they were going to start on fire. Emma provided some comedy during the play with her lines, and she really committed and did really well. She likes to perform and it shows. 

It was also an author fair. So, Elliott did a book report poster and Emma did an author study board. Both their projects turned out really well, and they proudly showed them off to us all. 

It was a busy evening, but a good one. We ended the evening with cheesecake and then went home. Elliott went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a sleepover and we took Emma home to relax and call it a night. 

Today was another busy day. I started it off with a visit to the gym, then we headed to Sam's' Club to find some lunch to bring out to the Greenhouse. The Greenhouse is open for the season, so we headed there to help out, bring lunch, and then collect Elliott and bring him back to town for his soccer game. Emma decided to stay at the farm for a sleepover this time, and we brought Elliott to his soccer game at 3:00pm. He won his game, and then we took him to Triple Play to spend his Greenhouse earnings. He was one happy little boy. 

Then, we went to Everest for supper, and then home to unpack and relax. Tomorrow, we have church, then the Greenhouse to help and get Emma, and then lots of rain in the forecast. So, I may spend the rest of the day washing bedding, or cleaning, or doing something inside. 

Here's hoping for warmer, sunnier days soon!

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