Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Stacy Week and Emily's Bridal Shower

 Another Stacy week has come and gone. I had another great week and got spoiled again. My birthday fell on a Saturday this year, and it was too wet to be planting, so mom and dad headed to town to visit. We spent the day with the kids playing games and enjoying the nice weather, and then the adults went to a couple breweries for some beers and then out to Barrel House for supper. I always love a good patio beer, so it was a great birthday. 

The next week was Nurse's Week, and we were spoiled all week at work with treats and little gifts. Then, I won Hospitality Nurse of the year at the Nursing Gala, so that was pretty fun. I also enjoyed a free Scooter's Coffee and a couple other perks during the week. 

The last celebration during my week was Mothers Day. We spent Mother's Day out at the Greenhouse. We helped for a while, and then we planted our own pots. We got almost all of them done, it was a pretty productive day. The kids really enjoyed working in the greenhouse as well. We also brought out a steak supper for Jim and Barb and they really seemed to enjoy that. 

Elliott's soccer season continues to progress. His team is doing pretty well overall. They have only lost a couple games, and they all seem to have a really fun time when they are together. Elliott loves it, and it's nice to have him active in something other than Pokemon and Legos. 

Emma had her first softball games last week. Her team did okay. They are a new team, and have a lot of learning to do. But again, they all seem to have fun and they look so dang cute playing softball together. And, she played shortstop for some of the game, and that gave me the warm fuzzies. 

Friday was the last day of school. Both kids are excited to be done with school and home for the summer. The kids got to go to Air Madness for their last day, and then I took them to Cherry Berry for a cool treat. 

This past weekend was a busy one. Emma and I headed to Minnesota for Emily's Bridal shower, and John and Elliott stayed home. Elliott had a soccer game, and John had some graduations and confirmations to go to as well. So, Emma and I left Friday afternoon. We got to Mom and Dads around 7pm and had supper, and then just visited and relaxed. Emma and I actually completed a crossword puzzle that was in the paper, so that was fun. 

Saturday was the bridal shower. We got there around 8:30 am. We enjoyed visiting with extended family, and then helped organize and bring presents to Emily to open. She made a good haul and opened a ton of presents. We also had a nice little brunch of egg bake, muffins, fruit and orange juice. It was a nice shower. Afterwards, we helped haul presents to Ryan's house and unpack them all the way upstairs in a spare bedroom. Then, we had a beer and visited with the wedding party for a while. We also talked about and made plans for the Bachelorette Party. It was a fun, tiring day. 

Finally, at around 3:00 pm we headed back to Mom and Dad's house. We played outside in the nice weather with Elena for a while, and then Emma and I headed to New Ulm to meet Holly and two of her kids, Sam, and Michelle for supper at Plaza Giabaldi. The food was really good, and the company was great. I really enjoyed catching up with everyone and meeting Holly's kids, who are adorable. 

After supper, Emma, Michelle and I headed to Black Frost for a drink (nothing for Emma) and then we headed back home. It was such a nice evening to catch up with everyone. 

Sunday was a church day, and then lunch, and then back to South Dakota. We made it home around 5:00pm, and we were pretty pooped from our trip, but we had a good time. 

This week, Elliott is out at Grandma and Grandpa Nelson's house. He is helping in the greenhouse and just enjoying being spoiled all week. I haven't seen him since Friday and I kinda miss the goofy boy. Emma has been staying at home by herself and she's doing great. She has the cat to keep her company, and she finds projects to keep her busy. 

Yesterday, Emma had two softball games. They won one, and lost one. It sounds like she had a good time though. I couldn't be there because I also had softball games with Big J's (our new sponsor for women's league). The games were at 6:30 and 8;20 and we didn't get out of there until after 10:00pm. It was crazy long. We also won one and lost one. And I am sore and tired today. I'm definitely not getting any younger. 

So, those have been the last few weeks. It's been pretty crazy, and I don't see it slowing down anytime soon. This next weekend in Memorial Day weekend, and we are camping at Lake Vermillion, so we continue to move at lightning speed!

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