Monday, June 24, 2024

12 Year-Old Emma

 I say this every year, but it's hard to believe Emma is now 12. 12! She's almost a teenager. How did that happen?

Emma is a pretty good 12 year old, in my biased opinion. She's sweet, she's sassy, and she's funny. She gives us some attitude at times, but that's pretty normal for her age, and we try to keep her in check. 

Emma's favorite things:

-Cats, drawing, painting, hanging with friends, calling friends, face-timing friends, playing basketball, going to summer camp, making new friends, having sleepovers, swimming, camping, ice cream, hashbrowns, going to Twin's games, going on vacations, reading, 

Emma's not so favorite things:

-Softball, chores, getting up early, school, homework, bug bites, being left behind when mom and dad travel, little brothers, 

I really like spending time with Emma at this age. We like to shop together, get some Starbucks or Scooters, and watch movies together. It's fun to have an Emma and Mom day and do some things that we enjoy doing together. She's getting to an age where can share some experiences together and both really enjoy them. 

Emma really enjoys basketball and she has some natural talent for it, so I hope she continues to pursue that. She doing basketball camp right now, and then we found out that Jefferson has open gyms this summer on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so that will be fun. We also have some plans to go to some movies, camping at Diamond Lake, and Emma has another week long camp in July. So, we have some fun times coming. 

Emma makes us proud and we love her so much. I just want her to find her passions in life, and pursue them, and not let anyone hold her back. 

Happy 12th Birthday Emma, We Love you!

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