Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Summer Adventures

 Our summer adventures continue. After our crazy Memorial Day weekend camping trip, we got right back into another week of work. On Tuesday, Elliott played his last soccer game. They won the game, we brought treats for the team, and then we met mom in Worthington to send the kids to the farm for the rest of the week and weekend. We had barely unpacked at home when we were packing the kids back up again. Mom only worked the Tuesday and Thursday of the week after Memorial Day so we decided it was a good time for them to take the kids. 

The kids had a really good time in Minnesota. They went to the New Ulm pool, rock picked, helped plant sweet corn, found and petted kitties, played outside, played legos, played games with Ryan and Emily, Elena came out for a day, and they just overall enjoyed their time. Mom and dad really enjoyed having them around as well. Hopefully, we can do it again sometime. 

While Emma and Elliott were out of town, John and I were stuck working again. We did do some fun things in the afternoon. We checked out Session Ale Works one night. It's a new bar and grill that opened on the west side of town. It was good, but they don't have any beer yet because of their liquor license issues, so that was a bummer. We went to church on Wednesday night. And John went to a happy house on Thursday, and we packed and grocery shopped. 

On Friday, we decided to go to Yankton and camp by ourselves for the first time. We had a really good weekend. We set up on Friday evening, enjoyed a nice supper of Chicken burgers and chips and fruit, and then we made an emergency run to Walmart for a couple things we forgot. 

Saturday was the perfect camping day. It was around 80 degrees, sunny, and not overly windy. We slept in, ate a good breakfast, and then went on a nice, long bike ride. We basically did the entire bike trail, and then hiked Gavin's point, and then biked back. It was a nice workout and a great way to enjoy the weather. Once we got back to the camper, John went fishing and I read a book for a while in a lawn chair. 

Then, we headed to Yankton. We went to Bomgaars and found a color changing turtle solar light to decorate our campsite with. Then we went to Ben's Brewing to have some beers on the patio and lunch from a food truck. We really enjoyed our visit to Ben's Brewing, and then we were ready to head back to the campsite. We went for another bike ride, and then made Fajitas for supper-which were amazing. Then, John went fishing again, and I enjoyed a walk and some more reading time. We ended with a nice fire, and then headed to bed. 

Camping without kids was a really fun experience. I missed the kids, and I know they would have loved the camping trip, but we will have many more opportunities to all go camping together. We enjoyed being able to relax, and just do adult things for one camping trip. 

On Sunday, we packed up and headed home. We did some laundry, unpacked, and then I decided to lift the laundry basket wrong and I hurt my back. It was really bad on Sunday, but now I'm doing better and I'm slowly on the mend. After resting my back some, we headed to Marshall to meet mom and dad at Brau Brothers and get our kids back. We missed the kids. They were pretty happy to see us, and we heard all about their adventures while we played games, drank beer, and ate pizza. 

We left around 7:00pm and made it home around 9:00pm. What a day. We had two very tired kids, who were happy to be home. 

This week hasn't been any less crazy. The kids have VBS this week. Elliott is going to VBS, and Emma is helping out. They are both really enjoying it. Also, Kristen volunteered to take the kids to swimming lessons. So, this week, and next week, they also have swimming lessons from 11:15-11:55 am. So, after VBS they go to the Tomczaks to get their bikes, bike to the pool for lessons, and then back to Tomczaks for lunch and hanging out until one of us gets off work. So, the kids have been very busy. 

That schedule continues all week. Tomorrow, we are bringing Tator Tot Hotdish for lunch to help contribute to feeding all the kids. And to top it off, this weekend we are camping with Jeff and Samantha at Platte. So, it's another weekend away and go, go, go. 

Emma also continues to have softball. She had two games last night. They lost both games pretty badly, but they continue to improve, and it is really fun to watch them play. I just hope they keep having fun and keep improving. 

I'm also late the next three nights at work. So, between that, my back still hurting, and trying to pack for camping, I will be very busy the rest of the week. But, it's summer. And we are staying busy and having fun. I wouldn't want it any other way. 

Pool at Brau Brothers 

Emma at catcher 

Proud Grandparents 

Emma being Emma 

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